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Learn how to wear baggy pants to live in style

Comfortable and stylish, baggy pants are those with a high waist and a wider fit at the hips. It became very popular in the 90s and today it is adapted by different brands. Want tips on how to use this piece? Check out 23 original ideas that we’ve separated especially for you.

1. Baggy pants are perfect for cold days

2. And it looks wonderful with puffed sleeves

3. You can combine it with crop tops

4. And she looks super cute in boots too

5. For a more sophisticated look, bet on overlays

6. Want a cute and comfortable combination? She allows!

7. Looks great with sandals and sleeveless blouses

8. They are open to all styles

9. And you can also use it with more neutral colors

10. The belt makes all the difference in the look with baggy pants

11. And if you love all star, do a test with him… It looks great!

12. She looks gorgeous in white sneakers

13. It makes any look more fashionable

14. Do you prefer clean combinations? With her you can!

15. White pieces help highlight darker baggy pants

16. If the look is all white, use intense color overlays

17. Baggy pants let you go from sophisticated to fun

18. In addition to looking beautiful with basic looks

19. More casual looks are transformed with the presence of baggy

20. What if instead of an all black look you insert the baggy beige? Super original!

21. She is over-accepting clogs

22. Do you like a more rocker style? Studded belt and boots!

23. Baggy pants renew any style… you can trust it!

What do you think of the looks with baggy pants? Super stylish, huh? Play with your closet pieces and create compositions as amazing as these! And if you’re still looking for other models, come and see the disco pants. Surely, you will also love creating looks with her.

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