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10 Commandments of a Mother-in-Law

Having a healthy relationship with the daughter-in-law or son-in-law only brings benefits to the family
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You spend most of your life taking care of your child. Only he grows up and suddenly appears in front of you demonstrating that you are no longer the most important woman in his life. And now? This eternal feud between mother and daughter-in-law (or mother and son-in-law) happens because the mother-in-law imagines that the suitors will take the children away from her or that they will never be good enough.

It is necessary to overcome this feeling of loss and see the Positive side🇧🇷 Having a healthy relationship with the daughter-in-law or son-in-law only brings benefits to the family. Think you’re gaining another child, not losing yours!

Check the commandments mother-in-law grade ten – and change your attitudes

1. Respect the couple’s space, only giving their opinion when requested.

2. Be natural, always. You don’t have to keep trying to please your daughter-in-law or son-in-law all the time, this wears down the relationship and can sound false.

3. Be interested in getting to know better who is with your son or daughter. Inviting them to lunch or dinner at their house brings them closer together. Ask questions too!

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4. Put aside prejudices🇧🇷 What does it matter if your son’s girlfriend has a tattoo? Or what if your daughter’s suitor already has a son? Give the person a chance to show their qualities.

5. Avoid confrontation. If everything your daughter-in-law and son-in-law say becomes a reason for criticism, they will no longer want to be in your company.

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6. Don’t put your children in embarrassing situations. The worst thing is for a son to have to decide between the woman he loves and his own mother.

7. Do not call attention to the children in front of the suitor or ignore the opinions of your daughter-in-law or son-in-law and only address her/him for important matters.

8. Accept invitations. Lunches and dinners don’t always have to be at your house alone. From time to time, your daughter-in-law might like to have you over to her house.

9. Do not meddle in the grandchildren’s education, even if you take care of them while the parents work. Try to expose your ideas without imposing everything the way you want. Suggesting is better than ordering.

10. take care of yourself after the children are married. Some women suffer from Empty Nest Syndrome, a feeling of loss and jealousy when their adult children leave home. The ideal is to occupy yourself with a job outside the home or something that you like to do a lot, like dancing or going out with friends.

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