Home » News » Children’s party: 12 amazing safari-themed cakes

Children’s party: 12 amazing safari-themed cakes

One of the themes most used by parents for parties for younger children, the safari theme explores the beauty of nature and also stimulates the adventurous and exploring side of the little ones.

The cake, a great decoration star, deserves to enter the theme in style.

The theme allows numerous different creations. To develop the decor in a balanced way, the ideal is to work with a well-defined color chart, exploring different shades and, of course, the characteristic animal prints.

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Tables with decorations full of elements combine well with clean cakes. Animals can be inserted into the floors in a delicate and minimalist way.

American paste is not the only option to adhere to the theme. Using icing or whipped cream it is possible to create a beautiful cake in an economical way. The extra touch of charm is due to the stationery.

Another interesting option is the cupcake tower. Fun, it allows rich exploration of the large number of animals and even facilitates distribution, since the individual dumplings replace the slices.

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