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The bad side of each sign; discover your

You signs they are largely responsible for the individuality of each person and directly influence behavior and decision-making on a daily basis. However, signs can also reveal the darker side of someone’s personality🇧🇷 These defects even affect our activities and relationships.

the astrologer Mariana Fernandes launches, in this month of May, the book “Astrology of Depression”, by Editora Pensamento. With a good dose of humor, she reveals what we wouldn’t want to know about our sign, while teaching how to deal with these defects in a healthy and productive way.

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“I think it’s natural for human beings to seek identification with things. When I publish a flaw of a certain sign in a humorous way, I am generating this identification in a light and unpretentious way, in addition to awakening people to self-knowledge. It’s like I said ‘Okay, your flaws are what make you unique, let’s laugh at them’”, says Mariana.

In a chat with CLAUDIA, the astrologer pointed out the main defect of each sign. Check out:


Aries is a sign with a lot of passion and vitality and, therefore, Aries tend to be very “hot” and quarrelsome. “It is a very explosive sign, very temperamental and strong. Any question is reason for a ‘shack’”, points out Mariana.

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“Taurus is the famous ‘bed, table and bath’ sign”, he jokes. Taureans are people who are quite lazy, they are more stubborn, with a slower, slower pace and tend to be very gluttonous. “That’s because they like comfort and the bright side of life. Everything is related to touch, smell and physical sensations”, explains the astrologer.

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It is a sign that suffers from mood instability and likes to gossip. Being very creative, the Gemini tends to lie, but not because he is mean, but because he wants to make the story “more interesting”. “He uses communication to the negative side, manipulating his view of things and ‘exaggerates’ in fantasy”, says Mariana.

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Cancer is the sign of “crying” and emotional blackmail. “The Cancer man is the one who says ‘nobody loves me, nobody cares about me’”, explains the expert. That is, it is a very emotional, very sensitive and very delicate sign. For this reason, he often ends up holding grievances.

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Leos are quite self-centered. “He likes to command and he likes the spotlight. He likes to think that he is wonderful, ”says the astrologer. With a very strong ego, the Leo man is very vain. “But it’s more a vanity of the ego, of dressing up to get praise from people and stand out, than purely an aesthetic vanity”, she explains.

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Virgos are very critical, especially of others. “This can cause a problem in the relationship, because he tends to point out the mistakes of others a lot, while he thinks he is perfect”, says Mariana. Whoever is a Virgo sign cannot let go of small issues. “A lot happens around him, but he is always attentive to details and obsesses over them. That’s why many Virgo people have touch”, adds the astrologer. In general, Virgos like to improve their work, which can be both good and bad.

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Libras tend to be a little futile, because they are very attached to appearance. He is very flirtatious and has a lot of lip. “On the downside, he can flirt without being interested. Just for the pleasure of flirting,” says Mariana. “He too may sin, for he does not want to be alienated. That is, when someone asks ‘does this outfit look nice?’, for example, he will answer ‘yes’, even if he thinks otherwise”.

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The Scorpio sign is very strong and the person tends to be very vindictive and hold a grudge. “My grandmother is a Scorpio and she says ‘calm down, let her… what’s hers is kept’ when someone does something bad, wanting revenge. This is very Scorpio”, jokes the astrologer. The Scorpio person, too, sees things as they really are and has a certain feeling🇧🇷 “That’s good, but at the same time it’s bad, because she ends up only seeing the bad side of situations and people. Scorpios have a somewhat negative view of the world.”

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The Sagittarius likes to party and is usually very fun. He also doesn’t care about commitment and responsibilities. He likes to travel and go to parties. Anything that holds you in one place doesn’t please you. “He is a guy who knows everything. He knows everything about the culture of all countries, about religion, about sociology, but at the same time he doesn’t know anything, because he doesn’t delve into these subjects. Even so, he ends up taking advantage of the intellect. He is a great storyteller – and often exaggerates it”, points out Mariana.

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People born under this sign like rules, commitment and standards. “He comes after Sagittarius, which is precisely to end the party”, jokes the astrologer. It is a very formal sign, very focused on work, finances and, therefore, tends to opportunism. “There are many Capricorn millionaires and leaders. They live for it and do what it takes to get there.” Capricorn also tends to be pessimistic and full of “mimimi”.

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It is the sign of rebellion, both for good and for evil. “They have this issue of freedom and they don’t want to tie themselves to anyone”, says Mariana. Aquarians are against it and want to be different. He likes to be revolutionary and defends his point of view strongly, even without foundation, “just because he wants to go against the grain”, as the expert says. Due to this strong characteristic, the Aquarius person is stubborn, as he does not accept that he may be wrong.

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“It is the sign of people who are backward and forgotten”, says the astrologer. “They are very distracted, they forget things a lot. They say something and soon after they don’t remember it anymore, ”she explains. One of her strongest characteristics is naivety and, due to that, they can fall into a wrong speech. According to Mariana, because it is a very playful sign, they are sensitive and tend to be escapist, that is, they always look for a way to escape from bad and embarrassing situations.

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“Astrology of Depression”
Author: Mariana Fernandes
Publishing company: Thought
Pages: 192
Price: BRL 44.90

Read more: Three signs will be greatly influenced by Saturn retrograde

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