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18 Times Makeup Stole the Show in Film Productions (and Negatively)

The process of finishing a film involves a large team of people. Therefore, professionals working behind the scenes are often overshadowed by actors, screenwriters and directors, and their contribution to the creative process can seem insignificant. Well, at least as long as they do their jobs right, because if a makeup artist or costume designer makes an unfortunate choice, it immediately grabs the viewer’s attention and affects the overall experience of the movie.

We, from awesome.club, we understand that even a professional can make a mistake. However, we decided to recall the cases where some characters’ makeup did not look so natural, was totally inconsistent or even created holes within the plot. Check out!

Hunger Games (2012)

In the first film of the franchise, Katniss had to desperately fight for her life in the forest, but, apparently, this did not affect her face at all. Most of the time, she appeared with clean, even skin. Plus she doesn’t have chapped lips, which is odd since she was probably suffering from dehydration.

Titanic (1997)

Although Rose looked charming, and makeup artists did an amazing job emphasizing Kate Winslet’s beauty, representatives of the social class to which the heroine belonged did not use such flashy makeup at that time. And red lipstick was worn by suffragette women as a form of protest.

game of Thrones (2011–2019)

bird box (2018)

Throughout the film, Sandra Bullock’s character wears elegant yet subtle makeup, including mascara and eyeliner. But whenever Malorie leaves the house, she has to put on a blindfold.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

If the make-up artists did everything to adapt the make-up of Charlize Theron’s heroine to the movie’s setting, in the case of the wives of Immortan Joe, they clearly made a mistake. All 5 actresses wandered through the desert, in an extremely dry climate, but they had well-done makeup, lipsticks that came from nowhere, impeccable eyebrows and super hydrated skin.

the white ones (2004)

In the story of one of the most beloved comedies of the public, FBI agents Marcus and Kevin are two black men who had to go undercover as two heiresses of a true hotel empire to protect them. However, let’s face it: the makeup wasn’t great and they still didn’t look very much like Brittany and Tiffany.

2012 (2009)

The world is ending in the middle of the apocalypse, but Amanda Peet always has impeccable makeup. Well, it was not at all consistent with the chaotic scenario in which the film was set.

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

To bring his seriously ill character, Ron Woodroof, to the big screen, Matthew McConaughey had to make considerable sacrifices. During preparation for the film and the shooting process, the actor lost more than 22 kg. But while McConaughey did his job responsibly, the makeup artists obviously didn’t think through the details. In the story, Ron led a busy life and was slowly wasting away from his incurable disease, but while all this was going on, his teeth remained perfectly white throughout the entire film: no stains, no sores on his gums, and no sores on his lips.

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KC agent (2015–2018)

The series tells the story of a simple girl named KC Cooper, who studies to follow in the footsteps of her spy parents. In one of the scenes, disguised as a man, Zendaya’s heroine takes off her wig and, literally, the next moment, she sports super-worked makeup, although a second before she had a stubble painted on her face.

Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier (2014)

In the course of an intense fight, Black Widow somehow managed to keep her makeup flawless: not a single smudge or even a sweat. Incredible…

burlesque (2010)

Cher’s character ran a makeup-free brush over Christina Aguilera’s face and that was it… Now she had impeccable makeup, worthy of a professional makeup artist.

An Almost Perfect Nanny (1993)

Although the film’s plot is tied to the protagonist’s external disguise, it’s hard to believe that no other character, seeing this sweet old lady up close, didn’t suspect something was wrong. A pound of makeup, a bizarrely fake nose, sloppy wrinkles along with Robin Williams’ young eyes certainly wouldn’t go unnoticed in real life, especially by Daniel’s family.

the 100 (2014–2020)

According to the plot of the series, the main character, Clarke, wakes up from her cryogenic sleep in the middle of two apocalypses, but there’s nothing to stop her from waking up with makeup ready. The question remains: where did she get such a good mascara under these circumstances?

Salt (2010)

lost (2004–2010)

The characters of the series have survived a plane crash and find themselves on a deserted island. And even in these conditions, Kate, like the other female characters, is always wearing makeup, with impeccable eyebrows, not to mention the absence of body hair.

How I met your mother (2005–2014)

In one of the episodes, Robin says that she is not wearing makeup at the moment, and Barney admires her natural beauty. But we must admit, the actress’s makeup is still quite noticeable, especially the eyeliner on her eyes.

Pulp Fiction: Time of Violence (1994)

In the scenes above, Uma Thurman’s character changes her hair length and cut several times.

Thor (2011) and The Avengers: The Avengers (2012)

On the set of the first Thor movie, actor Chris Hemsworth had to lighten his eyebrows, which looked weird and strongly marked. In an interview, Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige admitted that he is very sorry he did this. “So we decided, ‘Well, Thor is blond, so his eyebrows should be light.’ But now I look back at scenes from the movie and think, ‘God, poor Chris, we made him lighten his eyebrows. It was ridiculous”. But worst of all, in the next film featuring the character, Thor’s eyebrows drastically darkened.

Do you often notice mistakes in character makeup when watching movies? Do you believe they can compromise the production quality or the character’s contribution to the story? Tell us in the comments section.

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