Home » Guidance » 15 Mistakes Made When Using a Blow Dryer (Drying Your Hair From Bottom Up Is A Bad Idea)

15 Mistakes Made When Using a Blow Dryer (Drying Your Hair From Bottom Up Is A Bad Idea)

What could be simpler than drying your hair after taking a shower and going to sleep? While it may seem like an extremely easy thing to do, there are some tricks to take into account to avoid unwanted results, such as the distance between the dryer and the hair, the temperature and even the direction of the airflow.

O awesome.club delved into the science of this practice and gathered the most common mistakes we make when drying our hair to share them with you.

1. Use only hot air

Virtually all hair dryers have a cold air mode, and this is not a whim of the manufacturer. Move the lever to the “snowflake” mark to fix the result of a hairstyle. The impact of cold air will reduce moisture so your hair will keep its shape longer. By the way, you can also prevent split ends with this technique.

2. Directing the air incorrectly

Dry your hair from the roots to the ends, in the direction of growth. Otherwise, the hair fibers that form the cuticle will open, the hair will become spongy and begin to tangle. If you dry the strands from the roots to the tips, the fibers will come together and give the hairstyle a natural shine.

3. Holding the hair dryer wrong

Holding a hair dryer in your dominant hand seems pretty natural since most people do it that way. But it’s in vain, because to do a hairstyle or part the locks requires skill. Using the brush with your dominant hand will allow you to better control the process, more efficiently and, in the end, expend less energy.

4. Pull the hair down

5. Keep the dryer very close to the hair

Placing the dryer close to your hair will not only make your hair gradually become brittle, but also risk burning your scalp. It is recommended to keep a distance of 30 cm between the dryer and the hair. How can you measure this distance? Hold the device at about arm’s length.

6. Do not divide your hair into parts

Usually, we dry all the hair together, chaotically moving the dryer back and forth. But the process will be faster and more effective if you divide the hair into 4 or 5 parts, securing each one with a barrette. To do this, you can mark two stripes: one vertical (from forehead to neck) and one horizontal (from ear to ear).

7. Keeping a towel wrapped around your hair for a long time

It is not recommended to keep a towel wrapped around your hair for a long time, especially if it is made of cotton. The particles of this tissue create a friction effect and make the hair more fragile to dry with the dryer. Opt for a softer, microfiber towel and don’t leave it on your head for more than 10 minutes. An important caveat: before using the dryer, thick and thick hair should be practically dry, while fine or medium thickness hair should be 80% dry.

8. Forget about thermal protection

This is especially important for anyone who uses the dryer once a week or more. Use a thermal protection product to protect the wires from possible damage when exposed to hot air. This type of product may or may not require rinsing. Shampoos and conditioners with thermal protection properties need rinsing; aerosols, creams and oils do not.

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It is necessary to choose thermal protection in accordance with the type of hair. Those with dry hair should avoid alcohol-based products. If yours is oily or normal, don’t buy oil-based sunscreens.

9. Do not use the dryer’s concentrator nozzle

We refer to the directing beak, which generates controversy and questions for those who do not know its function. This accessory helps to direct the airflow to a specific strand. The result? Less tangled curls and less split ends. In addition, it protects the hair from overheating. If you direct the air to the roots, you will add extra volume to your hair.

10. Be in a hurry to leave

After finishing your hairstyle, stay indoors for a while. A sudden change in temperature will have a negative impact, and not only on hair volume: such temperature fluctuations are not beneficial for the scalp.

11. Start drying your hair using the diffuser

This will increase the likelihood of split ends and tangling your hair. Wet hair is very fragile and with high speed drying, the possibility of damaging it is greater. Start with a regular nozzle on low speed and medium temperature. After a while, you can switch to a diffuser.

12. Not paying attention to the material of accessories

13. Not cleaning the hair dryer

Have you ever cleaned your hair dryer filter? The time has come to do it, because dirt is harmful not only for the device, but also for the hair itself. Parts of hair products, dust, dirt and others enter through the holes and accumulate there, preventing the passage of air. The temperature inside the dryer rises and it can catch fire or simply go bad.

The dryer must be cleaned regularly: if you use it once a week, you should clean it every month. If using it more often, once every two weeks.

14. Dry your hair at the maximum temperature

This is one of the most common mistakes: the hair becomes too dry and becomes brittle. Doing this speeds up the process a little, so it’s only worth adjusting the temperature to the maximum in extreme cases, for example, if you have curls that are difficult to straighten or if you decided to do an overcomplicated hairstyle. In other situations, it is better to opt for the medium temperature.

15. Using the hair dryer in a single position

It seems obvious, but some people literally dry their hair without moving the dryer. It must be in constant motion and at different angles. That way, you’ll have clean, dry hair and a beautiful hairstyle much faster.

What tricks do you use when drying your hair with a hairdryer? Share them with us in the comments section.

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