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11 Finales From Our Favorite Series That Aren’t As Simple And Unambiguous As We Thought

New episodes of various TV series are released with enviable regularity. Some popular shows ended a long time ago, but still excite and thrill viewers. Over the years, we have followed the lives of the characters and eagerly await the outcome of the favorite production to see how the fate of the protagonists will unfold. But sometimes series endings aren’t as obvious as they seem, and even a happy ending can hide an ambiguous ending.

We, from awesome.clubwe love the series and decided to find out the true meaning of the plot twists and endings of the most popular shows.


The series ends on a positive note. However, if we delve into the details, the end of the legendary show reveals itself from other angles. At first glance, each character has their own happy ending: Ross and Rachel reunite, Monica and Chandler become parents, and Phoebe ends up getting married. However, it is unlikely that Rachel will be happy, because in the end she had to give up her plans.

The girl was rarely successful in life. And when she finally climbs the career ladder and is about to move to another city for her job, she can’t do it and ends up once again “tied” to Ross. Therefore, for some, the ending was not so happy.


Many fans were disappointed with the ending of the series. Not only have the last few seasons been very confusing, but the outcome itself has left many in doubt. Jack’s father explains to the hero that they are in the afterlife. However, all the characters in the series lost their lives at different times, some during the first season and others many years after the last one.

The plot assumes that in their world time runs differently, and the characters believe they arrived there at the same moment.

Gossip Girl: The Blog Girl

For several seasons fans of the series were anxious to find out: who is the girl on the blog? Hence, they impatiently awaited the last episode. It turned out that behind the pseudonym was hiding Dan Humphrey. This was a disappointment to viewers, as in the narrative, many of the character’s actions seemed illogical.

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However, it is believed that Dan became the ”gossip girl” because of his love for Serena and started his blog to reach out to the world of the city’s most privileged young people. Through the letters, Dan mainly shows his ability to write, but he also expresses his feelings. He used to post nasty things about his girlfriend, perhaps to make her his trophy. At one point, he spread a rumor that the girl was pregnant: just for show.

That’s probably why Dan finally admits that he wrote that blog all these years. For he has already managed to conquer Serena.

game of Thrones

The iconic series kept viewers in suspense for a long time, but its ending left viewers enraged. Bran Stark ends up taking the throne, but everyone wondered why exactly he became the new king. However, the ending actually makes sense, because this plot twist confirms one of the main ideas of the series: all the characters are too focused on the right of succession and pay too much attention to claiming the throne by birthright.

Ned Stark was concerned that Cersei had children, which cost her her life. Viserys Targaryen was willing to sell his sister to anyone to win the crown. Claiming the crown deprived Daenerys of her power in Essos. So Bran Stark’s ascension to the throne fits, as he never wanted to be the new Three-Eyed Raven.

Orange Is the New Black

The acclaimed series has multiple storylines. Piper and Alex’s story ends happily, which is not the case for the other characters. The lives of some of them have a tragic ending, while the others remain a mystery.

For example, Daya finds herself back in prison and has another fight with her mother. After realizing that Daya has involved her other daughter in breaking the law, Aleida begins to beat her. Viewers will never know how the fight ended and if Daya remained alive.🇧🇷 However, the actress revealed the secret: her character survived.

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The Queen’s Gambit

In the end, the protagonist asks to stop the car, and goes out into the street. The audience stayed without knowing what does it mean: was she going to stay in the foreign country or just wanted to go for a walk?

Anya Taylor-Joy, who played the lead role, confessed that, in her opinion, Beth’s act was a kind of circle of honor. It seems that after all the stress of the game and the pressure of society, the girl just wanted to enjoy the victory. That is, Beth Harmon did not intend to cause any scandal.

How I met your mother

Some viewers were disappointed with the ending of the series. Within minutes, fans finally found out who the mother of Ted’s children was, but almost immediately lost her. However, the last episode showed that the production is not about a father meeting the mother of his children. In fact, the appearance of this woman makes no sense at all, and the story is about how Ted spent years of his life looking for love.

The message of the sitcom is that no matter what happens in your life, all the ups and downs lead you to where you are now and define your individuality.


The final episode of the show completes the cycle. In the pilot episode, we saw the entire Gallagher family as Frank’s voiceover described each of the characters. At the end of the 11th season, the whole family and their friends gather, but already without Frank.

For him, the creators of the series left one last caustic joke: when the workers are sitting on the floor of the room, an urn for ashes rolls at their feet with the date of birth and death of the character. The implication is that the father of the family went straight to hell.

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sex & the city

The series’ main message was that a woman doesn’t need to be with a man to feel fulfilled. Therefore, many viewers were surprised that the ending was the exact opposite of what had happened over the seasons. Even the show’s creator, Darren Star, believes the series has betrayed his own idea that happiness and marriage don’t go hand in hand.

Upon leaving Carrie with Mr. Big, it’s like the writers are telling us that the protagonist is not looking for a healthy relationship and a reliable partner. In fact, she needs drama.🇧🇷 Even Carrie’s final monologue about self-love is interrupted by a call from her boyfriend. By continuing to date Mr. Big, the woman just wants him to finally acknowledge her feelings for her.

Peaky Blinders: Blood, Stakes and Razors

In the spring of 2022, the last 6th season of the series ended. So what fate awaits Thomas? Thanks to his diagnosis and a fire, he was able to fake his own death and now he can go anywhere and start a new life: become a spy, go abroad or live for your own pleasure.

Behind Your Eyes

In the last episode of the series, we finally find out that Adele is actually Rob, who has taken over her life. He later does the same to Louise, and remains in her body. But actually this ending has a much more sinister meaning.

Rob wanted to live Adele’s life, so he committed several crimes. At one point, Rob in Adele’s body observes Louise’s apartment very carefully to memorize the environment.

At the end of the episode, Louise’s son is sitting in the back of the car with Rob, in Louise’s body, and David. When the boy points out a difference in the woman’s habits, she looks carefully at him. Perhaps this is a clue that tells us that this time Rob will face unexpected difficulties.

In your opinion, in what other series are the endings not as simple as they seem? Tell us in the comments!

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