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8 Differences Between Men and Women That Many People Don’t Know

Humans and chimpanzees are more similar to each other than men and women. That information is a big… lie. In fact, men and women tend to be 99.7% similar. However, that 0.3% can make a tremendous difference and represent very peculiar traits that are present in our lives.

For us, from awesome.club, it’s past time to delve into 8 facts on the topic and find out what characterizes that 0.3%. Read and be sure to check out the bonus that we have prepared at the end of the page: you will discover the reasons why people once believed that the female body was not made to travel by train.

1. Women tend to spend more time in the bathroom

Maybe you’re wondering: but then why are there so many memes and jokes involving the time spent by men in the bathroom? Apparently, there are some answers to the question.

Apparently, men have this habit because they want to escape the problems of life, according to an expert. During these hours, they read, surf the internet and, as we can imagine, enjoy the silence of a peaceful place. Women have a different story to tell. Certain peculiarities of the female body, as well as eating habits and some other factors, can result in intestinal issues, including chronic constipation.

2. Men have bigger teeth

Yes, it turns out, teeth are gendered. Science confirmed this thesis with a very interesting experiment. About 500 volunteers agreed to let the researchers look at their teeth, both top and bottom.

We don’t want to bore you by describing all the methods applied by the experts, but there is something worth mentioning. In the end, the scholars said, “Yes, it is possible to identify someone’s gender even if the jaw is the only remnant left by the person.” Well, that’s not exactly the truth, but it’s pretty close. It was verified that, “statistically, men have bigger teeth than women”.

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3. In women, the index finger is almost the same length as the ring finger

Take a look at the two hands above and compare them to yours. There are two different scenarios in this case: 1) Your ring finger is longer than your index finger. 2) The two fingers are about the same length.

It’s time to test the foresight of the members of our newsroom: if your case fits into example 1, you are a man. Anyone who identifies with option 2 is certainly a woman. If we’re wrong, don’t blame us, blame science. According to her, before birth our genes are affected by estrogen and testosterone, and this in turn affects the size of our fingers. There’s nothing magical about it.

4. Men have longer eyelashes

Here, the first thing to take into consideration in the case of men is the level of testosterone. This hormone is responsible for the growth of all types of hair on the body. The substance not only makes the strands bigger, but also thicker and in greater volume.

Second, men have smaller eyes. And small eyes added to thicker hair represent the ideal formula to result in prettier and more attractive eyelashes. To top it all off, rarely do men use mascara for eyelashes. And if, on the one hand, this makeup item is great for those who want to enhance their eyes, on the other hand, it leaves eyelashes fragile and brittle. Well, the situation is really unfair.

5. Women fall in love slower than men

6. Single men smell different

There are several ways to find out if the man you are interested in is already in a relationship. Certain methods are very trivial and dull. For example, you can check the possible presence of an alliance or check the person’s status on social networks. But as we prefer more creative solutions, we suggest you give the guy a nice scent.

Don’t worry, our suggestion is based on a study that confirms the following: single men smell more intensely. Our old friend, testosterone, is the one to blame in this case. However, other specialists say that poor hygiene and health can also generate similar results.

7. Women have more nightmares than men

To be exact, women’s dreams can be divided into three main groups: those involving chases or a threat to life, the loss of a loved one, and confusing dreams.

Waking up in the middle of the night with your heart racing doesn’t sound like the best of experiences. Precisely for this reason, you might want to apply a very cool tip to deal with the problem. Waking up, try to give your dream a better ending. This method was included in a treatment program developed by a dream specialist, leading to promising results.

8. Men tend to see doctors less often

Well, we’re not saying any big news. But what if we say that men would rather do household chores, like washing the bathroom, going shopping with their significant other or even mowing the lawn, than going to the doctor? Well, this is a very interesting data. So let’s see why this happens.

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As children, almost 40% of male individuals heard that men do not complain about their health. Ah, the stereotypes… Also, some men feel embarrassed or uncomfortable going to the doctor because they don’t like being judged by someone else, even a health professional. And, in certain cases, they simply don’t want to know about the existence of a possible problem or hear that they need to change something in their lives.

Bonus: Some experts once believed that women’s bodies weren’t made for traveling by train.

Passengers on railway lines had to sit on wooden benches, exposed to intense vibrations. In 1870, an expert wrote: “If a woman goes on a train journey the day before menstruation begins, it is likely that she will skip a cycle, or perhaps more. As an indirect consequence, she will tend to suffer from some uterine injury”.

Is your index finger shorter than your ring finger? Have you noticed any other difference between men and women that we didn’t talk about in the article?

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