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20 Users Share Their Funniest and Most Embarrassing Teenage Experiences

One of the best—or worst—stages in a person’s life is high school. Almost everyone has unforgettable memories of that time. Many, however, also have embarrassing memories of that period, those memories we would like to erase from memory. But while these stories may cause some embarrassment, they are very likely to make us laugh a little too. After all, these are cases that will always remain in our memories and that, for better or for worse, certainly brought some lesson, making us more experienced people.

O awesome.club presented, on another occasion, a post about the funniest stories people lived in adolescence. Now, we will return to the topic, based on cases that we discovered on social networks. It’s a teenager’s “paying for a mico” so no one can fault it.

1. “High school graduation party, 1998. I had long curly hair and was going to cut it in no time. So I chose an explosive hairstyle.”

2. Does having a boyfriend imply kissing him?

3. “My mom helped me make a blazer out of duct tape”

4. Mothers are not always fair

5. “The 16 years were the best years. And that was the worst of that time.”

6. Bathing and rushing are dangerous

7. “I’m not exactly sure how I could see through my bangs”

8. Beware of surprises that can come out of your body

9. “School photo looking like a 60-year-old librarian in my turtleneck sweater and thick glasses. Unknown date and age”

10. Pay close attention or you might end up in the wrong place

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11. “A decade ago I was a king and this was my crown”

12. There are things that could be avoided with a little care

13. “I still don’t know why I did this”

14. Here comes the boy you like. Act naturally!

15. “I was the Grinch in the senior school play (2009). It is surprise! Jim Carrey himself was among the audience last night and said I should have appeared in the original film. Then everyone applauded.”

16. It’s best never to leave the door open

17. “A photo taken from behind the scenes of cats (2019), starring me at age 12”

18. Boys can be really funny sometimes

19. “When I was 14, I was dating a girl from another high school. I decided to surprise her on her birthday, dressing up as a clown and entering her living room to sing. Happy Birthday to You🇧🇷 She was paralyzed! After a while, she realized how beautiful that gesture had been.”

20. Never lose concentration

Which story did you find the funniest? What is the most embarrassing experience you had as a teenager? Tell us in the comments.

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