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16 heartbreaking images that speak a thousand words

Behind every photo there is always a story, and the beauty of photography is precisely in registering scenes and emotions that replace words or any other type of narrative.

Check out the images we bring today and see how all of them, each in their own way, manage to touch our souls with a mixture of strength and delicacy.

1. Art and life together

2. A refugee

3. A young man with Down syndrome going to his first interview

4. The first time the mother went to work

5. A man sells candy in a war-torn city

6. A girl, a Neanderthal and thousands of years in between

7. The man who saved many animals during a massive flood

8. A monk watches a volcano erupt in Bali

9. When the eagle thinks the drone is prey

10. A soldier reassuring a little girl

11. An Afghan child sells eggs

12. A love of 8 decades

13. True friendship

14. The son’s homage to the late father

15. Children saying goodbye after school

16. The eternal Usain Bolt and his fans

Which image moved you the most?

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