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Is “We Never Fight” a Good or Bad Sign for Dating?


Arguments are inevitable and totally common in relationships, but if you and your boyfriend have never been through the tense situation of an argument, you may be living in different extremes without even realizing it.

As each couple has its own characteristic, it is not possible to state with exact definition what is right or wrong or what is good or bad. However, certain points need to be evaluated to know if the relationship is being good enough for both of you.

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Are couples that don’t argue happier?

When the couple is very close, share the same interests and even practice a common hobby, they will usually face less arguments than a couple who don’t share exactly the same interests.

This is just one of the possible scenarios among love relationships that are not marked by fights. In general, the healthiest situation, that is, when the lack of discussions only reflects a more harmonious and peaceful coexistence between the two.

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There are also couples who live in a more peaceful way and without quarrels, because they have learned to avoid such unnecessary situations that only cause strain on the relationship.

However, these couples who never fight may be in a far less favorable category than it seems. Despite showing others an image of a peaceful couple who are always on good terms, this couple may be experiencing weariness, indifference or even a lack of love.

Even because the lack of discussion, sometimes, symbolizes the disinterest in the relationship. Bored and procrastinators, the two avoid debating matters that might improve the relationship or that even, at a critical point, they are ending the relationship.

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As you have seen in this post, there is no single answer to the question of what is good or bad when it comes to fights in a love relationship.

The lack of debates signals different possibilities and only partners can honestly assess what situation they believe they fit in and what behaviors they should adopt for happiness in intimate life.

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