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Fight until there’s nothing left to fight for


Some people say that if you have to fight for someone’s attention, it’s not love. But in my opinion this is a bunch of bullshit.

Sometimes we have to fight, no matter what happens, no matter how many times we try, because at the end of the day, if you feel like something is real, why not fight for it instead of walking away?

I can tell you this as I fought for love many times throughout my life and it didn’t give me what I wanted but I learned that it wasn’t what I wanted after all.

And I wouldn’t know that if I didn’t fight for it, I’d be left wondering “maybe it could have been something”. So I say: Fight for love until you no longer have the strength to fight, and you will have your answers.

Love is worth fighting for, you never know what the other person thinks anyway, so why not take a chance?

I want you, I want you so bad, but you give me mixed signals so it’s hard for me to say what you really want.

A big part of me says you’re not interested, that you’re just playing with my feelings like any other guy.

However, there’s a little piece of me that still tells me to keep fighting.

Because the truth is that the “no” I already have and what comes after that is profit or consequence, and consequences are learning.

I wish myself good luck, as I will fight for the guy I want, because I have nothing to lose, and I will get through this.


Today, you are my certainty

Read Also:  I miss when it was you and me


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