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7 Discreet Signs She Gives When She’s Interested in You


It’s funny how we’ve been dating women for millions of years, but we still don’t understand how they express themselves and are interested in relationships.

They say that we act and think the same, that if we are interested in someone, no matter what gender we belong to, we will talk to that person.

But we all know that’s a lie. Most women still don’t do that, do they?!

A woman is not yet expected to initiate an interaction; you are still expected to not only do it for her, but also deal with the consequences of possible rejection. This is the world we currently live in.

A typical woman will not be direct with her interest mainly to avoid dealing with rejection. Instead, she will give subtle signals to the man to start leading the interaction.

If the man she’s interested in can notice and react to your signal, then great. They got a potential relationship. If he doesn’t see the clear signal, then here’s a helping hand!

Read on for 7 discreet signs that she is interested in you:

1. She will “choose you” to be around her

A woman interested in you has two options to let you know that she is interested. She will chase you (less likely) or make it easier for you to chase her, depending on her personality and how feminine/masculine she is.

The more “masculine” a woman is, the more open and direct her interest can be. A very direct woman will have no problem initiating interaction and conversation.

But of course, that’s not always the case, so you shouldn’t really count on it or expect it to happen. Unless you’re okay with being alone for a long time.

Example: a woman “randomly” stands next to you at an event and starts a conversation about how bad the DJ/host/teacher is.

On the other hand, a very feminine woman will still show you that she is interested, but not do much about it.

She will show it strategically in a way that keeps her from being rejected. Rather than directly expressing her interest, she will secretly communicate it and hope you have enough attitude to take over and lead the interaction.

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Example: a woman across the club/room initiates eye contact and holds her gaze for a few seconds.

However you react, she will always be in a position where she doesn’t lose sight of you.

The most common mistake guys make when trying to initiate contact with extremely feminine women is expecting these women to play their “part” in the initial interaction. Usually, this ends up with men leaving empty-handed.

It is important to understand that, if a woman chooses you, you better react as soon as possible. Otherwise, she’ll think you’re not interested or that you’re not confident enough to act.

2. She seems to be around more often

A common tactic a woman would deploy is to strategically and “coincidentally” appear in her target’s vicinity as often as possible, hoping something will happen.

She’ll pretend she’s seeing someone else who is where you are.

If it’s an online interaction, she might start liking some of your posts often, or even asking about something you’ve shared or commented on as an opportunity for you to start an interaction.

3. She starts asking you more questions than before

You can tell whether a woman is interested in you or not by the kind of questions she asks.

As a woman naturally has more options than a man, in general, of course, if there is any interest on her part, she will want to know right away if things would work out without wasting too much time. Or the other possible options in her queue.

If she’s looking for a long-term hookup, she’ll obviously ask about your current availability first. No woman is going to ask if you are already in a relationship or not unless she sees a 1% chance that you are a potential partner.

She will also ask you more personal questions to understand what kind of person you are and where you are with your life. For a woman who seeks commitment, there is nothing more attractive than a man who has a purpose of his own.

However, if she is looking for a fling or a short-term relationship, she will be more involved only with her current situation; she will be looking for alpha traits that show you are a high quality man and that it’s fun to be with someone.

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4. She gets “all whole” when she’s by your side

Have you ever noticed how women act when they are around the man they like and how their attitudes naturally change when they talk to someone they are not attracted to?

They act like “silly”, “shy” and quite feminine. You may notice a change in tone of voice and more open, warm body language.

Of course, not every man is going to be a Jason Momoa, but assuming you’ve consistently maintained your confident masculine frame in your interactions with a woman, if she’s interested in you, she’ll be in your female body to boost your chances of getting married. unite even more.

5. She opens up to you and tells you all about her life

A woman who likes you will waste no time in telling you everything about her. Because if she doesn’t care about you, she’ll have no desire to go beyond the usual small talk. This doesn’t apply if she’s looking for friendships, of course.

Her display of vulnerability is a telltale sign that she is comfortable enough to deepen the connection between the two of you. After all, the more we like someone, the faster we trust that person, even if there is no practical reason for trust to happen.

6. She volunteers to help you

If you want to know if a woman is really interested in you, ask her to do something for you and see how she reacts. It is important to note how she reacts and how she will agree to the courtesy.

So if she’s always happy to help you with things you ask for, that could be a sign that she’s interested in you.

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7. She does some “tests” with you

Women tend to have a lot of options when it comes to dating.

Obviously, the more attractive a woman is, the more options she has. And the more options she has, the more she has to filter those options so she doesn’t waste time dealing with men she doesn’t think are good enough. To do this, some sort of test has to be done to weed out the “losers”.

But what do women test for exactly?


It’s the single most important trait any woman with healthy self-esteem would look for. It’s a trait that women have chosen for millions of years for survival and mating purposes, so you’d better work if you want a woman who has something to offer.

That being said, if you approach a high-quality woman, expect her to test you. It won’t always be deliberate tests, women are prepared to test men to confirm their choices.

If she’s the least bit interested in you, she’ll provoke you to annoy you just to see how you’d react. This should not be confused with major disrespects and confrontations.

It’s crucial to know that when you’re being tested by a woman, don’t take it personally. In fact, you should see this as a compliment; It will be a good opportunity for you to confirm his attraction to you.

The medium is the message

If there’s one thing I’d like you to understand from this article, it’s that the medium is the message when it comes to women and attraction.

Never expect women to be direct with your interest. The more you understand female “language”, the better you will be at decoding their subtle communication and dealing with women.

“Women communicate secretly, men communicate openly. Men convey information, women convey feelings. Men prioritize content and information, women prioritize context and feel when they communicate.” Rollo Tomassi


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