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80 phrases about time, life and memories

Do you want to read the best quotes about time, life and memories that have been said so far? We have compiled a selection and commented on it for you.

Reading phrases from writers, philosophers and thinkers about the main questions in life can change the vision you have of it. Whether you need words of encouragement, you are looking for phrases to accompany your posts on social networks or you just like to memorize this type of content, we have prepared a selection of the best phrases about time, life and memories.

In the list, you will find different points of view on these three topics. Some of them contradict each other, and you will be the one who has to qualify or choose. We hope you find what you are looking for or need in our selection of phrases about time and life.

The best phrases about time, life and memories

Many times we take some concepts for granted in our daily lives. What is life, time or memories, and concepts linked to their importance or transcendence, are perhaps the most important. To do this, we have compiled the best phrases about time, life and memories that have been spoken so far:

1. “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” (Leo Tolstoy)

Warriors, you should always use them to your advantage. Many people do just the opposite, and nothing good can come from paddling against the current. You learn a little more about life when you value the importance of being patient and using your time more wisely.

2. “Do not waste your time with anger, regrets, worries and resentments. “Life is too short to be unhappy.” (RT Bennett)

Think about how many hours of your life you have dedicated to regrets, angry moments, worries that lead nowhere, and holding grudges inside of you. The answers are many.

Have you gotten anything good out of it? Absolutely. Part of the unhappiness lies in wasting time on all this.

3. “What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that is gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” (Karl Lagerfeld)

Hence the importance of taking photographs of your happiest moments. With them you can freeze a little piece of life, of time, in a permanent memory. Without a doubt, one of the best phrases about time and life that you can read.

4. “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be.” (Douglas Adams)

Don’t beat your chest regretting what could have been and wasn’t. Better, focus on what is and, if you want, on what you can do with what you have and where you are.

5. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” (Steve Jobs)

Both by pretending to be someone you are not to please others, and by mortgaging your life to someone. Your life comes down to the time you have, don’t waste it.

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6. “The main thing is not how long, but how well you have lived.” (Seneca)

There are people who, at 20 years old, have lived longer than an 80-year-old adult.. It all comes down to how well you have valued time, the things you have done, discovered and experienced. You cannot say that you have lived if you have felt afraid to leave your comfort zone.

7. “No one can take away your memories: every day is a new beginning, create good memories every day.” (Catherine Pulsifer)

Living is about creating future memories“, as Ernesto Sábato once said. Try to create situations in which you can gather as many of them in your daily life.

8. “You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you should do it.” (Charles Buxton)

We often use not having time to do certain things as an excuse. Time is the same for everyone, the day lasts 24 hours everywhere. How you take advantage of these hours is the question.

9. “Our childhood memories are often fragments, brief moments or encounters, which together form the scrapbook of our life.” (Edith Eger)

The best memories, those that you associate with happiness, will be found in childhood.

10. “Life can be very noisy. It can also be exhausting. There are too many things competing for our attention and sometimes, without realizing it, we forget how important our well-being is.” (Jayne Hardy)

Both the physical and the emotional. Many people focus on taking care of their physical appearance, with diet and exercise, but they completely forget about emotional well-being. If you want to have true balance in your life, you must pay attention to both.

11. “Life is not about finding yourself. “Life is about creating yourself.” (GB Shaw)

It’s about creating the path you have to travel. In essence, you live while creating your own path. The trails are not made, especially if you want to make a difference.

12. “Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it.” (Charles Swindoll)

Taking advantage of good and bad things determines the degree of prosperity you achieve during your life. How you recover from the bad times and how well you know how to enjoy the good times undoubtedly determines who you are.

13. “Time is not a created thing. Say I have no time it’s like saying I don’t want to“. (Lao Tse)

Have you ever thought about it this way? Many times you use the excuse of not having time as a euphemism to really say that you are not interested in doing something.

No matter how insignificant those things are, it is very common for people to use time as an excuse. If you really care about something, you will organize yourself to dedicate time to it.

14. “Life is a series of lessons that must be lived to understand it.” (Helen Keller)

And the more lessons you assimilate during your life, the more you will learn from it.. It is for this reason that older people are usually full of wisdom that they transmit to you as advice. If you are attentive to them you will be able to direct your life in a more profitable way.

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15. “Do we need more time? Or do we need to be more disciplined with the time we have?” (Kerry Johnson)

Other phrases about time and life that place you as the protagonist and organizer of your own time. You probably know people who seem to have 48-hour days. Be organized and you will be able to do everything you want during your week.

16. “I believe that each human being has a finite number of heartbeats. “I don’t intend to waste any of mine.” (Neil Armstrong)

Making the most of every moment in the best way you can is the best way to pay tribute to life.

17. “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” (Stephen Hawking)

This sentence contains a paradox, one that puts you in a bittersweet perspective.

18. “Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you won’t do anything with it.” (M.S. Peck)

Because wasting your time is nothing more than a way of wasting your life. Doing this, in one way or another, is not valuing what you are or what you can achieve.

19. “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you do, the better.” (Emerson)

By experimenting we do not mean taking your experiences to the extreme, but learning from them, enjoying them and sharing as much as you can with the time you have. There will come a time when you will not be able to do what you can do today, and there is nothing more tragic than reaching this stage surrounded by regrets.

20. “Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fools, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor.” (Hello)

Another of the phrases about time and life that we couldn’t leave out of our list. With a little luck, you will be able to experience life like a dream.

21. “Time is the currency of life. It is the only currency you have and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful not to let other people spend it for you.” (Carl Sandburg)

At birth you are given this currency and only you decide how you want to manage it. There is no one who squanders it on a bad bet or decides to spend it prematurely. Distribute it wisely and in the end you will be able to say out loud that you have had a good life.

22. “The worst memories stay with us, while the pleasant ones always seem to slip through our fingers.” (Rachel Vincent)

This is one of the most common mistakes that people can make. Life cannot be divided into black and white, it is actually gray. Good and bad memories are part of you, you are the one who decides if the most grotesque are the most important.

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23. “Time is your life. That’s why the best gift you can give someone is your time.” (Rick Warren)

And this is why it is so important that you be considerate and respectful of other people’s time. You don’t know, after all, how valuable time is to that person.

24. “Memories warm you from the inside. But they also destroy you.” (Murakami)

A duality from which no one can escape. As we have already pointed out, in the end it is you who decides how to classify them in order of importance. No one else does, so you must take matters into your own hands to value your happy memories more intensely.

25. “Time is a gift that most of us take for granted.” (Cheryl Richardson)

Unfortunately, without a doubt. We always believe that we will have time in the future, which leads us to completely forget about the present. Keep in mind that your life is today, not tomorrow.

26. “I use memories, but I don’t allow memories to use me.” (Shiva Sutras)

The moment you learn this you will have taken a giant step on the path to well-being. This is one of the best quotes about time and life that you can keep in mind if your memories torment you.

27. “We don’t remember days, we remember moments.” (Cesare Pavese)

Moment that has marked your life, for better or worse. Try to accumulate as much as you can, especially with your friends and family. In the end, these moments will only live in your memory.

28. “Time is the wisest advisor of all.” (Pericles)

So you can entrust him with the meditation of your worries, anxieties or uncertainties. Letting your problems marinate over time ultimately results in good advice.

29. “I have always been fascinated by memories and dreams because they are both completely ours. No one else has the same memories. “No one else has the same dreams.” (Lois Lowry)

So you must learn to value them as something entirely yours. Another of the phrases about time, life and memories that you will always want to carry within you.

30. “Take care of all your memories. “You can’t revive them.” (Bob Dylan)

Although you can access them in your mind, you will never be able to fully reconstruct those moments. Always keep them in mind, value them and never let them sink in the water of oblivion.

31. “Life doesn’t give you things. You have to go out and make things happen. “That’s the exciting part.” (Emeril Lagasse)

Many of the positive elements you have in your life are the product of your effort and the result of initiatives in which you have invested different resources.

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