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8 natural treatments for depression

Everyone has heard about depression, but few people really know how to differentiate it from being sad.

Depression is a disease that needs to be treated. The good news, however, is that there are simple habits and tips that can help with this treatment.

But to talk about ways to treat this problem, it is essential to first address the essential differences between sadness and depression. Below you can find information about the doctor and specialist Marcelo Guerra.

Sadness x Grief x Depression

Depression is a disorder of the mind that is characterized by sadness and an unwillingness to perform activities, even those that were once pleasurable.

Marcelo Guerra, physician, homeopath, acupuncturist, biographical therapist and Personare specialist, explains that we all experience sadness at one time or another, usually as a reaction to some unpleasant fact, to some frustration, to some conflict in relationships, to pressure at work. etc. “This sadness naturally subsides with changing circumstances,” he points out.

There is also grief, adds the professional, which is a deep sadness caused by some loss, be it the death of a loved one, the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, the experience of an accident, the news of a serious illness. etc. “Grief is a natural and expected reaction, and it heals over time,” explains Guerra.

Not depression. “Neither time nor changing circumstances can change a depressed person’s mood. It is a disease and as such needs to be treated. Depression degrades the person’s ‘I’ and dulls their ability to give and receive affection”, explains the doctor.


Marcello Guerra highlights that it is essential that the patient be diagnosed by a doctor, “so that he can make the differential diagnosis with some organic diseases that can generate depression, such as hypothyroidism, some brain tumors, Parkinson’s disease, among others”.

Natural treatments to treat depression

As already highlighted, depression is a disease that requires monitoring and medical treatment, but there are some healthy habits – related to food, for example – and some tips that can help in the treatment of this problem that unfortunately affects a large part of the population. Below you can see:

1. Homeopathy: according to Marcelo Guerra, homeopathy has resources to treat depression without having to resort to allopathic medicines. “Even patients who are already undergoing allopathic treatment for depression can start a homeopathic treatment, progressively withdrawing from conventional medicines and remaining well”, he highlights.

2. Phytotherapy: according to the doctor, the therapy that uses plants in the treatment also has resources for depression.

3. Acupuncture: Acupuncture is one more orientation given by the doctor Marcelo Guerra to treat depression.

4. Foods that stimulate the production of serotonin: which is a neurotransmitter whose deficiency is associated with depression – can help in the treatment. “Chocolate is the most famous of them, certainly because of its much appreciated flavor (if it were cabbage it would be so famous?!)”, says Guerra, who adds that the production of serotonin is made from the amino acid tryptophan and cites other Food suggestions that can help:

  • Oat
  • Banana
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Passion fruit
  • Orange

5. Bet on certain seasonings: this is another resource related to food that can help, according to Marcelo Guerra. They are: turmeric, cumin and black pepper.

6. A healthy diet is essential: it is not enough just to eat the options mentioned above, but to follow a balanced diet, preferably with the help of a nutritionist.

7. Never skip meals and/or go too long without eating: keeping your blood sugar stable reduces mood swings.

8. The practice of aerobic physical activity: (walking, running, cycling, swimming), according to Marcelo Guerra, combined with a healthy diet, helps a lot to prevent and treat depression.

It is worth noting that these tips are very important and can help prevent and even treat depression, however, they cannot be seen as unique measures in the treatment of the problem. It is essential to remember that depression is a disease that must be monitored by a doctor, so do not hesitate to seek a professional!

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

Tais Romanelli

Journalist graduated in 2009 (58808/SP), freelance writer since 2013, totally adept at working from home. Communicative, always full of topics to talk about and inspiration to write. Responsible at work and outside of it; dedicated to commitments and the people with whom she lives; in love with family, dogs, home, the sea, moments of tranquility and also excitement.

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