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8 curious aspects that are typical of the female body

The woman has always been seen as a mysterious and intriguing being. In Ancient Greece, for example, women were considered inferior to men and could not participate in public and political debates. Fortunately, civil rights have completely changed, but there are still many mysteries regarding the female body.

At the incredible.club we take every possible opportunity to present new data and studies on women. Some of them can surprise even the most knowledgeable people.

1. Morning sickness is good for moms-to-be

Scientists at the University of Colorado (USA) discovered that morning sickness during pregnancy is actually a defense mechanism to protect the fetus from the toxins in fish, meat and poultry that the mother eventually ingested. Also, feeling sick in the morning in the early months of pregnancy can be a sign that your baby will be strong, as women who experience morning nausea are considerably less likely to experience miscarriage.

2. The female ear perceives higher frequencies

From a very early age, women can recognize really high-pitched sounds. A week-old girl can already distinguish her mother’s voice from another baby’s cry. This skill can be useful not only for caring for a baby, but also for listening when people lie. Women can usually detect deceit by noticing the slightest change in tone of voice caused by lying.

3. Women can do more than one thing at a time

(Are you saying you didn’t know?)

4. The X chromosome is part of a good immune system

5. Women cope better with illness

Maya Saleh, from the Research Center for Complex Traits, at McGill University, in Canada, discovered that estrogen, a hormone that is more present in women than in men, is responsible for combating the body’s inflammatory process. This means that female bodies deal with illness faster and easier. Estrogen also slows down the body’s aging process and may prolong life expectancy.

6. PMS symptoms come and go with age

Women are more likely to experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms in their early teens and after age 40, periods of greatest hormonal changes. Symptoms can include headaches, skin disorders, and joint and muscle pain, among other things.

7. Girls have the biological ability to detect alpha women

(and live well with it)

Biologically, women are more likely to get along and keep the peace in the group than men. And an alpha female is responsible for guiding social behavior and being the peacemaker. So how do girls spot an alpha female if there’s no power struggle? In a group of women, the toes of their shoes are usually oriented toward the alpha female. They easily pick up the signals left by the alpha and even laugh as often as she does.

8. Does Birth Control Affect Physical Attractiveness?

Bonus: Increased body heat loss

If your wife or girlfriend wants to get her cold hands under your T-shirt, let her do it. Female hands are generally 2.7°C cooler than male hands. Scientists believe this is because women generally have less muscle mass and a higher surface-to-volume ratio, which leads to rapid heat loss.

Which of the facts did you find most surprising? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Illustrated by Daniil Shubin exclusive to Incrível.club

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