It is always important to have some phrases about anger on hand so that they remind us of all the damage What this emotion can cause. Nor could we say that we should never get angry, since that is impossible. What is possible, however, is not to let ourselves be carried away by the impulse of anger and thus prevent it from invading us.
Almost all the phrases about anger call us to do precisely that, not to stop experiencing it, but to not allow it to take control and take over us. The consequences are usually very negative.
“Anger is a choice and a habit. It is a learned reaction to frustration and as a result of which you behave in ways you would prefer not to. In fact, deep anger is a form of madness. You are crazy when you cannot control your own behavior.”.
-Wayne Dyer-
Our impulses Initially aggressive, they only break through in the face of direct threat or frustration.. It is upbringing and education that leads us to moderate these reactions to turn them into channeled responses. However, at any age we can learn to process it. These are some of the phrases about anger that can help us in that purpose.
Phrases about anger that call us to wait
It has been said many times and it never goes without saying: when you are angry, don’t talk, don’t do anything. This has always been known. That is why one of the phrases about anger, which we must take into account in that sense, was said by Seneca several centuries ago. He says like this: “Against anger, procrastination”. Overwhelming. There is no better way to avoid anger than to wait before reacting.
Thomas Jefferson stated something similar. His phrase indicates: “When you are upset, count to ten before speaking. . If you are very upset, count to one hundred.”. Great advice that works with most angers.
Anger harms ourselves
One of the most disconcerting aspects of anger is that it is intended to harm another, but ends up harming ourselves in various ways. This is how Florence Scovel reminds us in one of her phrases: “Anger alters vision poisons the blood: it is the cause of diseases and decisions that lead to disaster”.
Mark Twain raises something similar when he says: “Rabies is an acid that can do more damage to the container it is stored in than anything else it is poured into.”. Anger burns whoever feels it. It damages your thoughts and emotions. Unloading it on another may affect them, but to a greater extent it will affect ourselves.
Anger limits us
Laurent Gounelle wrote a simple, but very precise phrase about anger. He says: “Anger makes you deaf, and despair makes you blind.”. He has all the reason. When we are angry our brain stops processing information. We become deaf to the calls of reason.
This is confirmed in one of the Dalai Lama’s phrases about anger. He points out the following: “Success and failure depend on wisdom and intelligence, which can never function properly under the influence of anger.”.
That description couldn’t be clearer. Under the influence of anger we limit our ability to be assertive and accurate.. We forget what we know and do not reason correctly. Under that state it is impossible to achieve good results. Quite the opposite. Ultimately, it is as if we are trying to vent our anger by drowning in it.
Anger is born from weakness and inferiority
The Dalai Lama is one of the thinkers who has spoken out most against emotions such as anger. Another of his phrases points out: “Anger is born from fear, and fear is born from a feeling of weakness or inferiority. If you have courage or determination, you will have less and less fear and consequently you will feel less frustrated and angry.”.
There is a lot of richness in that statement. It shows us that the immediate precedent of anger is fear. It is when someone feels at risk that anger appears. The risk can be objective or subjective. In any case, it implies feeling inferior and unable to face a threat.
If there is an emotion that we must work on, it is anger. The objective is to prevent it from invading us, inducing us to say or do something on impulse.. The consequences are usually very harmful. And if we adopt the habit of reacting aggressively, over time hatred takes over us too. A life like this becomes lonely and bitter.
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