The film franchise about the books of Harry Potter became a milestone for a generation. Many read the books, but some just watched the movies. While the adaptations were successful, it is clear that it was not possible to fit all the details into the film adaptation. So, audiences that just followed the movies might even change their minds about some characters or even the story if they knew more details. Some of these moments should have been included in the films, but sadly, they were cut from the final cut of the film.
O selected some scenes that were cut from the films of the franchise that certainly should have ended up in the final version. Check out!
1. Reconciliation with Dudley Dursley
In the first part of Deathly Hallows, the Dursleys had to flee to protect themselves from the Death Eaters. Intrigued by the fact that Harry would remain, Dudley shakes his cousin’s hand goodbye, and thanks him for saving him from the Dementor. It would be quite a touching moment, right?
But at first the scene would be even better. Vernon Dursley, displeased to hear Dudley ask why Harry would stay there, the uncle mutters that he doesn’t want to go with his relatives. And then Potter confirms this, and adds that he would be a “waste of space”. Then Dudley, despite his father’s apparent disapproval, walks up to Harry and tells him that he was never a “waste of space” and reinforces these words with a strong handshake. In response, he gets a surprised smile from Harry and a “thank you”.
An important point is that Harry says “See you later, Big D.” Only his cousin’s close friends used that nickname, and before that, he had said goodbye to his uncle, meaning they would never see each other again. Harry was ready to say goodbye forever to Vernon and Petunia, but left a place in the future for his cousin.
What aired? A banal farewell between the characters.
What did we want? Deep character development for Dudley and the ultimate reconciliation between the cousins.
2. The conversation between Karkaroff and Snape
In the fourth film, Goblet of fire, there should have been a scene where Harry leaves the Yule Ball, and accidentally overhears a conversation between Professors Karkaroff and Snape. The scene alludes to the presence of the dark mark, where Karkaroff even tries to lift Snape’s sleeve. But the potions teacher calmly replies that he has nothing to be afraid of. It seems like a common scene, where people with a dark past tend to deny it, but fans quickly realized that Snape was a double agent, and therefore he had nothing to fear from his mark. Before the release of the seventh book, fans were already sure of this.
Also, when Harry is leaving the hall, he finds several couples kissing, and one even inside a carriage. Though it always seems like Hogwarts has Puritan customs, this scene shows the unexpected. Even Snape was watching these students to keep order.
3. The meeting between Crouch father and son
In Goblet of fire, before the next test, Bartholomew Crouch was talking quietly with Harry. But then, Crouch Jr. disguised as Alastor Moody, interrupts the conversation between them and makes some insignificant remarks and suddenly, licks his lips, although he has never done this before. Upon seeing this, Crouch drastically changes his facial expressions. He is in complete shock. Because that mania for licking his lips was characteristic of his son. This scene could add more mystery to the film, and make the audience understand that something was wrong with Moody long before it became obvious.
4. Draco Malfoy’s Redemption
Another scene that could completely change the viewers’ opinion about one of the main characters of the plot is the scene in which Draco Malfoy throws his wand to Harry Potter so that he can defend himself against the dark lord and fight against him. And Draco did it in front of Voldemort himself and all the Death Eaters. This scene marks Draco’s regret, as well as, after this gesture, everyone knows that he can’t go back, and will suffer a terrible punishment for his attitude.
The scene was instrumental in showing the depth of remorse felt by Draco, who had been on the dark side, and who wanted, at least a little, to correct what he had done.
5. Mourning for Sirius Black
A very sad episode, which lacked further depth in The order of the Phoenix, it is the death of Sirius Black. But the producers decided not to show Harry’s real grief. It seemed that he was just his distant godfather, and that Potter didn’t know him well and wasn’t particularly saddened by his death.
The book describes in detail all the pain Harry suffered over Black’s death, including blaming himself for his death. Although a scene was recorded, in which the boy refused to go to Hogwarts’ end of year feast, and all his feelings were stamped on his face. In it, Ron tries to convince his friend to go eat, and even offers to stay with him, but Harry tells him to go. This scene would be very interesting in the film, but unfortunately it was cut.
6. The farewell between Petunia and Harry
Another character they didn’t fully explore was Harry’s aunt, Petunia Dursley. In the scene before the evacuation that we already mentioned, she stands in the middle of her empty house. Harry enters and the following dialogue takes place between them:
“I have lived in this house for 20 years, and now, on a night like any other, I am forced to leave.”
“They’ll torture you, if you can even guess where I’m going. Nothing can stop them.”
“You think I don’t know what they’re capable of? Just as you lost your mother that night in Godric’s Hollow… I lost my sister.”
After the exchange, Petunia silently leaves, leaving Harry to realize that yes, she really did feel the loss of her sister, and she misses her too. It’s even possible that all of Petunia’s revulsion towards magic was due to the fact that she lost Lily so young precisely because of magic.
But in the final version of the films, Petunia remained a callous, even evil, character.
7. The hint about Ron’s feelings for Hermione in Goblet of fire
For some, the romance between Ron and Hermione was a complete surprise, and many believed that JK Rowling would make a match between Granger and Potter. But the hints that Ron and Hermione would be together were given long before the finale. For example, if the director had left some scenes in the final version of Goblet of firefans who only followed the movies would imagine the romance between the two.
In one scene, Ron looks on with a hateful face as he sees Hermione dancing with Viktor Krum, so it would be clear about his feelings for her.
Do you think these scenes should remain in the final versions of the films? Tell us in the comments section.