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7 causes of acne that prevent you from having beautiful and healthy skin

Statistics show that acne affects 85% of young people in Europe. In Brazil, more than half of the population lives with this problem to a greater or lesser extent. The fight against this disorder is daily and requires patience and continuity of actions. It’s hard to believe, but many people with glowing, smooth skin have come a long way to overcoming blackheads and pimples. In this text, we’ll tell you what the most common causes of acne are and give you some tips that will help you have smooth and beautiful skin.

If you’ve tried everything in this world, but acne doesn’t go away, you’ll need to delve deeper into the causes of its appearance.

The Incredible.club identified 7 reasons for the appearance of inflammation and redness on the skin.

1. You are not looking for the real cause of your skin problem

Researchers at the University of San Diego in California studied the micro-organisms that cause acne to appear. The bacteria are called Propionibacterium acnes🇧🇷 They live in the pores of each person’s skin and, when they are regulated, they do not influence our body in any way. But when changing habitat conditions, they generate fatty acids that alter the horny layer of the skin, causing inflammation.

In addition to these bacteria, there are different types of staphylococci that can be harmful in addition to demodicosis.

It is important not to try to eliminate the problem yourself. Removing a pimple can cause new breakouts. The best decision will be a treatment of certain acne spots using an antibacterial medication.

2. You’re Not Checking Your Hormone Balance

At the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, Dr. Bethanee Jean Schlosser, professor of Dermatological Medicine, named the reasons for the appearance of acne under hormonal conditions. Are they:

excess oiliness of the skin, or production of sebaceous glands; the skin cells that shed become abnormally sticky and accumulate or clog the hair follicle.

Hormones whose disruption often causes acne are testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and also insulin growth factor type 1.

Normalizing the hormonal balance, under the close observation of a doctor, can help to avoid acne problems caused by hormonal causes.

3. You are not eating properly

Proper nutrition is not only the guarantee of better health, but also of clean skin. Fast food, alcohol and sugar negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system and the body in general. To verify the relationship between acne and diet, Italian scientists carried out a study in which more than 250 women participated. The result was published in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology🇧🇷 The article mentions that “Women who eat vegetables, fresh fruit or fish at least 4 times a week suffer twice as little acne.”

Try to avoid products that look healthy but are actually not. A good example is supermarket juices: they contain a lot of sugar and preservatives, while the concentration of useful substances has been reduced to a minimum.

4. You are not paying close attention to the cosmetics you use

Some people think that cosmetics can cause pimples to appear. Celestyna Brozek, creator of the MOSS brand, wrote about this topic on her blog. She tells us that the ingredients found in our cosmetics have a different comedogenic (ability to block pores) level. To avoid negative effects on your skin, study the composition of the cosmetic products you buy very carefully.

One of the “hidden enemies” is coconut oil. It is true that it works wonders in maintaining the health and beauty of the hair and also heals wounds, but it is not suitable for people with oily skin. Experts from the San Francisco Healthy Skin Clinic assessed the comedogenic level of popular components in cosmetic composition and published their findings. And the results aren’t good: Coconut oil received a 5 out of 5 on the comedogenic level.

5. You are not choosing natural fabrics

As already mentioned, most of the causes are hidden in our body, but hygiene is no less important. Bacteria that cause acne can stay on sheets, handkerchiefs, scarves, clothing, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to wash clothes daily and sheets and towels frequently. Pay attention to the fabrics your everyday clothes are made of. Give preference to natural materials that allow your skin to breathe.

6. You are not tying your hair

Another hidden enemy can be long hair, as it is in constant contact with the skin of the face, neck and back. David E. Bank, director of the New York Center for Dermatology, Aesthetic and Laser Surgery, advises clients with skin problems to pin their hair up in high hairstyles🇧🇷 Those who use large amounts of hair care products (especially dense gels and sprays) are also at risk. The substances transfer to the skin and fill the pores, causing pimples and rashes.

7. You are stressing yourself out a lot

Studies conducted by the department of dermatology at the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown that the skin condition of acne patients may worsen during important events such as exams. That is, stress caused by external sources can significantly influence the appearance of acne.

For emotional release, play sports regularly, watch your sleep and eating hours.

Bonus: The Most Important Myth Is False

Anyone who has skin problems must have heard this phrase many times: “you just have to wash your face more often, that will solve it”. Advisers who imply that the cause is dirt don’t know all the facts. In this post, we tried to tell you that acne is a difficult disease, the causes of which are hidden inside our body. But frequent cleaning can only make the problem worse. Excessive use of chemical substances destroys the fat layer and unbalances the pH of your face.

Skin cleansing should be:

before bed to remove dust accumulated throughout the day; after walks and trips (a lot of bacteria and microbes accumulate in transport, try to get rid of them as soon as possible); after spending a long time in a dirty space. If you’ve worked all day in the garden, been to the beach, or helped with construction work, you need to clean your skin thoroughly and as often as possible.

Have you ever faced acne? Tell us in the comments how you fight or have fought this disorder.

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