Home » Thoughts » 60 quotes by Max Lucado that will strengthen your faith in God

60 quotes by Max Lucado that will strengthen your faith in God

A ceasefire among men depends on a ceasefire with God.

People look at the way we act more than we listen to what we say.

God never said the journey would be easy, but He said the arrival would be worth it.

The problem is not that God doesn’t speak to us, it’s that we don’t listen.

You can not be anything you wish to be. But you can be everything God wants you to be.

We were created by a great God to do good works. He invites us to make life worth living, not just in heaven, but here on earth.

The creator of the stars would rather die for you than live without you.

Forgiveness clarifies the past and protects the future.

Love, joy, peace, kindness, faith, kindness and self-control. I commit my day to them.

Pray all the time. If necessary, use words.

Do not measure the size of the mountain, speak to the One who can remove it. Instead of carrying the world on your shoulders, talk to the One who upholds the Universe.

You are the only you that God made. God made you and broke the mold.

If we trust God more, we can fear less.

When God gives a task, He also gives the ability.

Forgive and give as if it were your last chance. Love like there’s no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.

He promises a lamp for our feet, not a crystal ball for the future.

Forgiving is opening the door to freeing someone and realizing that you were the prisoner!

When we see death, we see disaster. When Jesus sees death, he sees deliverance!

God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be like Jesus.

To lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.

We need to be patient, but not to the point of losing desire; we must be anxious, but not to the point of not knowing how to wait.

Feed your fears and your faith will starve. Feed your faith and your fears will die.

By Your grace I don’t feel guilty, with Your guidance I don’t feel confused, and by Your sovereignty I don’t feel afraid.

Our God is not only a father in good times. He doesn’t get into this love-your-children-and-forsaken thing. I can trust that he will be by my side, no matter how bad I am. You can also.

God allows you to stand out so you can make it known.

There are times when the heart is so hard and the ears so deaf that God lets us suffer the consequences of our choices.

My love for you will end the same day God’s love for you ends.

Lower your expectations on earth. This is not paradise, don’t expect it to be.

The reward of Christianity is Christ himself.

No person should go out into the world to start their day until they have come under the cross to receive God’s love.

God is not so far above you that he cannot be touched by your tears!

Be a kid again. flirt. Laugh. Dip the cookies in the milk. Take a nap. Say you’re sorry if you hurt someone. Chasing a butterfly. Be a kid again.

We can speak of a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but these are only the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God.

To the beloved, a word of affection is a mouthful; but to the love-starved, a word of affection can be a feast.

The past doesn’t have to be your prison. You have a voice in your destiny. You have a say in your life. You have a choice in the path you take.

Let God have you and let God love you – and don’t be surprised if your heart starts to hear a song you’ve never heard and your feet learn to dance like never before.

Nails did not hold God to a cross. Love did.

When grace enters…guilt leaves.

Some thoughts turn into flowers. Others turn into weeds. Plant seeds of hope and enjoy optimism.

No one can pray and complain at the same time.

God is God. He knows what he’s doing. When you can’t trace your hand, trust your heart.

Your success is not about what you do. It’s all about Him—His present and future glory.

The power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it.

The first thought of the morning, the last worry of the night. His Goliath dominates his day and infiltrates his joy.

One way to deal with people’s quirks is to try to understand why they are quirky.

The God who makes things grow will help you to bear fruit.

It was the Brazilians who taught me the beauty of a blessing.

It’s not about winning or losing, but about love and respect.

You make the grayest day explode with joy.

Transform your fear into a visitor, not a resident. Face your fears with faith.

Next time you are called to suffer, pay attention. It may be the closest you’ll ever get to God.

When was the last time you solved a problem by worrying about it?

Some songs with Him can change the way you sing. Forever.

Jesus cares for his people individually. He personally attends to our needs. We all receive the touch of Jesus.

He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning… Face it, friend. He’s crazy about you!

There is no way for our little minds to understand the love of God. But that didn’t stop him from coming.

Change is not just a part of life, change is a necessary part of God’s strategy.

Don’t measure the size of the mountain. Talk to the One who can move it.

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.

The more radical the change, the greater the joy. And it is worth every effort, for this is the joy of God.

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