Anyone who suffers from acne knows how much this problem can affect self-esteem and, consequently, various aspects of social life. In addition to the physical discomfort caused by the problem, there are more subjective damages, which even reach the emotional aspect of interpersonal relationships. However, with the advancement of medical treatment techniques, most cases are curable. Discover, below, some home treatments that can help minimize this evil.
1. Honey and Cinnamon Mask
You will need a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix the ingredients and spread over the face. Let it act for a few minutes and then remove the mask with warm water. The recipe is particularly effective for those who suffer from menstrual acne.
2. Garlic and lemon juice wash
There is little care when it comes to using lemon on the skin. If exposed to light – especially sunlight – you can suffer real skin burns, so try to use this recipe sparingly and carefully. Just cut a clove of garlic in half and rub it over the skin of your face, then let it dry. Then, spread one or two teaspoons of lemon on the skin and wait for 15 minutes. Finally, wash your face very well with mild soap and water.
3. Yogurt mask to control redness
The recipe is simple and uncomplicated: just spread unsweetened natural yogurt on the skin and let the mask act for about 20 minutes. Then just wash your face with water. Yogurt refreshes the complexion and also helps to control the redness caused by acne.
4. Toothpaste Night Mask
The correct thing is to opt for a white paste, preferably one that is not gel. Apply only on the affected areas and sleep with the mask, removing it only the next morning, with the help of a cloth soaked in warm water. Caution: Any sign of an allergic reaction should be taken seriously. Therefore, if you feel any discomfort, remove the mask immediately.
5. Olive oil and brown sugar to moisturize and exfoliate
You will need a quarter of a teacup of olive oil and some brown sugar. The consistency to be obtained is almost that of a paste, which you can rub on your face without it running. Just apply on the skin and make circular movements, in order to exfoliate it. Then remove the mixture with warm water. Just be careful not to use the treatment every day, as olive oil deeply moisturizes the skin, which can make it even more oily.
6. Coconut oil to moisturize
Coconut oil is famous for being used as a weight loss product, but this is not its only application. It is also a powerful moisturizer that can be used on the face to reduce dry skin. As it usually comes in the form of a paste, it can be applied directly to the skin, massaging gently. Then remove it.