It offers purchasing power, provides experience and brings comfort, but it can also cause intrigue, greed and envy. To the money phrases They are a way of reflecting on material goods, character, work, social relationships and happiness. We selected 50 options, which can be shared via messages and on social media!
What is wealth phrases?
This subject causes a lot of controversy and reflection. Some see wealth as synonymous with a large amount of money, possessions, material goods and properties. Others argue that wealth lies in a life full of love, good energy, life experiences and personal growth. What do you think about thinking more about the subject? It’s also worth getting inspired by our list of money phrases:
1 – Wealth really is having someone to count on in moments when your heart sinks.
2 – “The less money we need, the freer we will be.” (Gerry Spence)
3 – Be rich in what money can’t buy! 💰
Option of money phrases (Photo: Pixabay)
4 – “There are people who have money and people who are rich.” (Coco Chanel)
5 – For man to be prosperous, money is not enough. You have to be good, wise and aware.
6 – “Money makes men rich, knowledge makes men wise, and humility makes men great.” (Mahatma Gandhi) 💸
7 – “More important than how much you earn, is how you spend it.” (Conrado Navarro)
8 – “Some people are so poor that all they have is money.” (Augusto Cury)
9 – If you want to know how rich you are, look for things you have that money can’t buy.
Phrases about money and character
10 – The most sensitive part of the human body is the pocket.
11 – “Friendship is like money: easier to get than to keep.” (Samuel Butler)
12 – “Many people spend money they don’t have, to buy things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t like.” (Will Smith) 💰
13 – Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it destroys the character of many people.
14 – “It’s easy to make money. It’s really difficult to make a difference.” (Tom Brokaw)
Option of money phrases (Photo: Pixabay)
15 – “Money does not change man, it only unmasks him.” (Henry Ford)
16 – Don’t blame money or power for your lack of character. 💸
17 – “Money is in some ways the fire of life. He is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.” (PT Barnum)
18 – “Money buys a mausoleum, but not a place in heaven.” (Fernando Pessoa)
19 – “Money is like sea water: the more you take, the greater your thirst. The same applies to fame.” (Arthur Schopenhauer)
20 – Money doesn’t change anyone, but it reveals their real personality.
Money and love phrases
21 – “Money came to confuse love.” (Creole) 💰
22 – Money brings moments of joy, but only love brings genuine happiness.
23 – Money is exactly like love: you don’t think about anything else when you don’t have it, and you only think about it when you have it.
24 – “And when the love of money, of success, is making us blind, let us know how to pause to look at the lilies of the field and the birds of the sky.” (Érico Veríssimo)
25 – Things that money can’t buy: love, dreams, happiness, desires and dignity.
26 – I prefer to be poor and have true love, than to have all the money in the world and not know love.
27 – As long as the love of money is greater than the love of others, humanity will not have prosperity.
Money phrases for status
28 – Money only doesn’t bring happiness to those who don’t know how to spend it. 💸
29 – “The fastest way to make money is to solve a problem. The bigger the problem you solve, the more money you will make.” (Steve Siebold)
30 – “Nothing is more revolutionary than spare money.” (Luis Fernando Verissimo)
31 – “A business that produces nothing but money is a poor business.” (Henry Ford)
32 – “Happiness doesn’t bring money.” (Warren Buffett)
33 – “Never spend your money before you receive it.” (Thomas Jefferson)
34 – “Money follows passion, not the other way around.” (David Siteman Garland)
35 – Be careful when lending money to friends. You can lose both.
36 – “Money does not bring happiness. Send for it.” (Millôr Fernandes) 💰
37 – “Money doesn’t bring happiness – for those who don’t know what to do with it.” (Machado de Assis)
38 – Money cannot buy happiness, but it will bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
Funny money phrases
39 – I’ve always been poor, but this month I’m happy!
40 – Meteor falls, internet goes down, but no money drops into my account.
41 – Don’t try to pay your taxes with a smile. Tax prefer cash.
42 – Don’t throw hints at me. Throw me money.
43 – If time were money, my watch would be a millionaire.
44 – Money-making strategy: wake up early, take a shower and go to work.
45 – Money doesn’t matter at all, as long as we have a lot of it. 💰
46 – “Young people nowadays imagine that money is everything and, when they get older, they discover that it is.” (Oscar Wilde)
Option of money phrases (Photo: Pixabay)
47 – If money doesn’t bring happiness, give me yours and be happy!
48 – I can only withdraw money if it is with the help of a bomb!
49 – I hate money, but I hate the lack of it even more. 💸
50 – Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys everything else, which is almost the same thing.
Read more:
prosperity prayer
sympathy to make money.