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5 combinations of herbs that help you lose weight –

Drinking tea daily is the secret to speed up metabolism and lose unwanted fat. But for that, you need to know how to combine the right herbs. The tip is to drink three to four cups of an infusion prepared with thermogenic herbs (they favor fat burning), detoxifiers (eliminate toxins, leaving the body less resistant to weight loss) and diuretics (prevent liquid retention).

Before you’re tempted to add more than three herbs to the same cup, beware: this is a safe measure. “The use of many plants causes them to enter into competition, reducing the effect of each other. And the objective is exactly the opposite: to allow them to work in synergy, increasing the slimming effect of the tea“, explains phytotherapist and nutritionist Vanderli Marchiori, president of the Associação Paulista de Phytotherapy. Another important procedure: “Always try to buy herbs in specialized stores, which guarantee the correct handling and storage of the plants.”

Just one more observation for the success of the diet: keep the same mix of herbs for three days. “Plants need this time so that they can act efficiently in the organism and, then, accelerate weight loss”, guides Vanderli. Then change the combination to create a new stimulus and avoid any risk of toxicity.

The herbs that will dry the excesses

Choose an herb from each group and prepare your slimming tea. Remember: consume the same mixture for three days. After that, make a new combination.

Thermogenics: fat burning effect

They make the metabolism work faster, increasing the burning of calories and, consequently, fat. Some also have lipolytic action (they break down the fat molecule already accumulated in the body), in addition to reducing cholesterol levels.

Bilberry (pneumus boldus), carqueja (Baccharis trimera), green, white and red teas (Camellia sinensis)bitter orange peel (citrus aurantium), fucus (Fucus vesiculosus), guacatonga (Caesaria sylvestris), hibiscus (hibiscus sabdariffa) and sarsaparilla (Smilax spp).

Detoxifying: cleansing action

They capture and eliminate through the urine the fat and toxins left over from the metabolic process – circulating in excess in the body, these substances disrupt the proper functioning of the lymphatic system and stop the weight loss. The herbs in this group also reduce the formation of gases, preventing the feeling of a swollen and bulky belly.

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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), burdock (Arctium lappa), chamomile (Matricaria recotita), lemongrass (cymbopogum citrate), holy thistle or milk thistle (carduus sanctus), spark (centella asiatica), coriander (coriander spp), dandelion (Taraxicum officinalis), anise (Pinpinella anisum), espinheira-santa (Maytenus ilicifolia), mint (Mentha piperita) and sage (salvia officinalis).

Diuretics: end of water retention

They favor the work of the kidneys in filtering the lymph (liquid that carries impurities out of the body). This facilitates the elimination of toxins through the urine, fighting swelling and helping the body to respond better to the diet.

Alfalfa (medicago sativa), borage (Borago officinalis), corn hair (zea mays), horsetail (Equisetum arvense), stonebreaker (Phyllantus niruri) and seven bloodletting (cuphea balsamona).

5 good combinations

If you have doubts about choosing herbs, follow the suggestions of nutritionist and phytotherapist Lucyanna Kalluf, director of Natunutry Nucleus Nutrition and Personalized Clinic, in São Paulo.

1. White tea + hibiscus + carqueja: the mix exerts a detoxifying action, eliminating toxins and fat, in addition to improving the bowel function. And all this makes you lose weight.

two. Dandelion + sparkle + alfalfa: with high diuretic power, it drains excess fluid and helps to sweep out the toxins that, in excess, make you accumulate weight.

3. Green tea + boldo + horsetail: potent thermogenic, accelerates Fat Burning. It also assists in cleaning toxins, making the body respond better to the diet.

4. Carqueja + sparkle + horsetail: it has a diuretic effect, as it improves the functioning of the liver. It helps to deflate quickly, leaving the belly flatter.

5. Dandelion + green tea + hibiscus: accelerates fat burning, in addition to improving sugar and fat metabolism. With this, it prevents these substances from collaborating to increase the waist.

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Step by step

Preparing tea the right way is essential to make the drink tastier and more efficient against fat. Follow these tips:

Place the herbs (1 tablespoon of each, with the exception of green tea which should be used in smaller quantities: only 1 dessert spoon) in a glass or porcelain container. Metals such as stainless steel or aluminum negatively interfere with the properties of tea. In a separate pan, bring 1 liter of water to the boil and, as soon as it starts to boil, pour it over the herbs. Cover with a lid or saucer for 10 minutes. Strain and drink hot or cold between meals. Make only the amount of tea you will consume in the day. From one day to the next, the drink loses its phytochemical properties and fails to promote the expected effects.

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