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5 books to get over a breakup

Books to get over a breakup do not contain magic formulas or absolute answers. Now, they can be a great compass for people going through this moment.

Books are not only good company, but also a deep comfort in difficult times. There are works that come in handy in complex situations because they provide answers that we are looking for. Among these, books to overcome a love breakup cannot be missing.

What can those books offer you? To put it briefly, They help you better understand the experienceto draw conclusions and have several clues about the path to follow.

Most of these works have been written by experts on the subject or people who experienced the situation firsthand and overcame it.. So they have the enormous value of experience behind them. Without further ado, let’s see what are those books to get over a breakup that are worth consulting.

Reading a good book is an incessant dialogue in which the book speaks and the soul answers.”.

-André Maurois-

1. It’s so hard for me to forget you

Mariana Michelena is the author of one of the books to get over a breakup that already looks like a classic. This psychoanalyst He had already published a work that was very successful and titled Unloved women. With this new book she confirms that she is a keen observer of the human soul and that she has much to teach.

In her first work she talked about women who had toxic relationships, but couldn’t find a way to end them. Now, Michelena addresses this issue. It speaks not only to those who make the decision to leave their partners, but also to those who have been left aside by their men.

2. Love or depend

This book by Walter Riso is about one of the issues that are often behind the difficulty in assimilating the breakup: emotional dependence. He does this because it is not uncommon to seek out and build a relationship to cover up underlying problems with oneself.

When this happens, The breakup is much more difficult to assimilate and there is a great risk that everything will turn into pathological grief.. Walter Riso puts the i’s and dots on this topic and helps you unravel if that is your case. If not, he still offers valuable advice for managing the loss.

3. Divorce civilly, breakup therapy

This work Adriana Monetti emphasizes the work of personal evolution What lies ahead when a breakup occurs in a relationship in which we had high hopes. Rather than giving instructions on how to face the separation, it highlights the importance of internal work to face the situation with oneself and grow with it.

Not only is this one of the best books to get over a breakup, but it also provides valuable elements to carry out this process correctly from the beginning. If you start in the right way, the journey will be lighter and with greater guarantees of reaching the other shore.

4. Eat, pray, love

We are talking about a classic that has recently been brought to the big screen. Its author, Elizabeth Gilbert, with a very characteristic style, creates an entertaining and dynamic work, as well as rich in content. These are books that you could read in a couple of sittings.

It is an autobiographical novel that has as its common thread the author’s own personal evolution. She describes step by step the taste of disappointment and frustration; emotions that transform when you accept reality and begin to look inside yourself. Her message of hope is much needed for a time when everything seems too ephemeral.

5. Love in the time of cholera

It is one of the classics of Gabriel García Márquez and of literature in general. In the novel we do not find advice or hints on how to face specific situations, but we do a fabulous description of all possible forms of love. Also how important individual differences are when it comes to understanding, forming and consolidating bonds.

It’s romantic at its finest.. Furthermore, it is a work of contrasts, going in a few words from absurdity to lucidity. As with all good literature, this book reveals the truth to us through fiction.

The list of books that focus on how to get over a breakup is much longer. However, if you are looking for a resource to help you at this time, in these works you can find the ideal space for reflection and emotional management of the situation you are going through.

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Gil, H. & Pérez, L.; Sosa, Y. & Gutiérrez, A. (2021). Emotional dependence: a problem in psychology and other humanistic sciences. EDUMECENTRO, 13(2), 269-286. http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2077-28742021000200269&lng=es&tlng=esPeñafiel Muñoz, O. (2011). Love breakup and narrative therapy. Ajayu Scientific Dissemination Body of the Department of Psychology UCBSP, 9(1), 53-86.

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