For whatever is going on, I will be by your side, holding your hand and guiding you to where there is light and hope.
Friend is to support and help, that’s what I’m here for. Count on me and know that we will get out of this situation together.
No evil is greater than the good in you and the lessons you can learn. Therefore, darkness will have no place against your light, friend. Your time is coming!
Friend, this pain you are feeling will disappear. I know you are strong and you will emerge victorious!
The situation seems impossible now, but there is nothing impossible for those who believe in God’s work. He is taking care of you and preparing the best for your life, friend!
40 phrases back on top for you to command your own happiness
I’ve always watched you and seen closely how strong you are and you’ve won countless battles. That will be another sum in your victory book, my friend!
Soon, that pain will be replaced by endless joy. Trust that it will pass, my friend!
I know I can’t do much to ease your pain, but I can be there to do whatever it takes. I just want to say that I’m here and if you need it, just call me.
I would like to rip this pain from your chest and put it on mine just so I don’t see you suffer anymore. Stand firm, friend, it will pass and we will still celebrate your achievement.
I will be by your side looking for your joy together with you. I will never leave you, my friend!
40 phrases to calm the heart that are like a hug
Happiness will come to visit you soon, my friend. I know! While that doesn’t happen, I remain by your side and doing everything to make you happy.
The moments of difficulty seem eternal, but they are not. You will see happiness opening in front of you and we will celebrate your victory. Stay strong!
May God renew your hope and strengthen your faith, my friend. This moment will pass and He will take care of you!
Tomorrow will be a new day and everything will happen differently, friend!
The important thing is to have faith and believe that we will be together and celebrating what is left behind.
Don’t stop believing, but if your faith wavers, I’ll keep believing for you, friend.
Positive thinking, faith and hope for you my friend. Rest assured that everything will work out.
All I can offer you, friend, is my comfort and to say that my friendly shoulder is available for your outbursts. Love you!
Friend, you are strong and you will win this one more, as you have done with all the other battles you have faced.
I can already see the two of us celebrating your achievements after going through these battles, friend. Just a little more and you’re on the other side!
50 phrases of comfort for you to comfort someone in suffering
My friend, my affection for you is gigantic and eternal. For whatever you need, count on me!
For you, I drop everything I’m doing and run to help you. I can’t do much, but I will always have my hug to give you.
Friend, cry when you need to cry, but remember that I will be here to help you dry your tears!
I won’t stop until I make you smile and see that you’re okay. That’s my role as a friend.
Everything you are going through now will serve as a lesson for the future. Don’t give up and keep fighting, victory will come.
Take a deep breath, friend. Let the air calm your heart and make you see things more clearly.
If you think positive, everything will work itself out with greater speed, friend. Focus on the good and it will come!
There’s nothing a giant dose of hope won’t cure. I believe the best is coming for you, friend!
When everything around you is falling apart, don’t forget that our friendship will remain the same and I will be your strength if you need it.
Tomorrow the sun will rise again and bless you with new smiles, new dreams and new opportunities.
When I was not well, you were by my side. That’s why I say and repeat, I will be by your side until all this passes.
Friendship is staying when no one else stays and helping the friend to get back on their feet. This is what I’m doing for you. Always count on me!
Life is not all about ups. But when you’re down, I’ll have my hand out to help you up again, buddy.
Try to look beyond the pain, friend. There’s a lot of life waiting for you when all this passes and I know it will pass.
The storms come to an end and are replaced by an even more beautiful sun. Yours is coming to shine in your life, friend!
Let nothing stop your shine from being intense, true and strong. Battles will not diminish the beauty of your light, my friend!
The important thing is that I’m holding your hand and when you get tired, I’ll be here to be your support and your support.
Friend, know that I will be your strength if that is what you need from me, I will be your support, your will and your impulse.
For whatever comes and comes, it will always be the two of us. I’m here to help you, support you and encourage you to walk through the dark and find your light.
This phase that is over was the best because a better one is about to begin. Trust in new beginnings my friend!