Home » Thoughts » 35 perfect ambition phrases for anyone who wants to achieve a goal

35 perfect ambition phrases for anyone who wants to achieve a goal

Ambition, in the right measure, leads to ascension. In the wrong measure, it precedes the fall.

Ambition cannot be the feeling that speaks loudest in your chest. This space needs to be shared.

It is necessary to have the ambition to achieve some goals in this world of so many achievements.

You have to be ambitious, aim for a goal to be achieved, have a purpose!

Caroline Stemniak

The path you will take to conquer your own achievements depends on your own ambition.

If your ambition becomes greater than the love you feel for people, you have a problem to solve.

Caroline Stemniak

What is your ambition? Why do you wake up early every day?

Caroline Stemniak

Smaller than my dream I cannot be.

Lindolf Bell

Ambition in exaggerated measures is very dangerous, it can make us less human and act at all costs without measuring consequences.

Caroline Stemniak

Ambition is always seen as a negative and evil feeling, this does not correspond to reality.

The goal you so desperately want to achieve is just waiting for a little bit of ambition.

Caroline Stemniak

A successful path, to be traced, needs ambition.

Be ambitious without ever overstepping your principles to get somewhere.

Caroline Stemniak

The ambition for power is the strongest of all passions.


Ambition can inspire! We need inspiration!

Caroline Stemniak

I have the ambition to achieve all that God has planned for me.

Think positive! Be ambitious! Conquer!

Accept the feeling of ambition and have control over it! Experience it the right way!

My life is full of ambition, goals to fulfill, hearts to love, lives to cheer.

Caroline Stemniak

Your ambition needs to be felt for yourself, don’t be ambitious for someone else.

A woman’s greatest ambition is to awaken love.


Ambition lives in me as a good feeling, to make the dreams I once dreamed come true.

Caroline Stemniak

Ambition, like the gemstone it is, needs to take up little space in a jewel.

My ambition was a gift that God placed in my heart to manifest His glory.

Ambition doesn’t have to be a bad feeling that takes and turns our hearts to evil, it can be good, in the right measure.

Ambition makes more bona fide slaves than necessity.

Benjamin Johnson

Who doesn’t have a grain of ambition in their heads?

Jean de La Fontaine

Ambition, the call to greatness has always been a part of my life, and yet I have always been a good person.

Ambition is the greatest human stimulus. It is with him that it is built.

Carlos Malheiro Dias

Ambition is praiseworthy when accompanied by desire and the ability to make others happy.

Paul Henri Holbach

Ambition, lived in the right way, is an impulse for life!

It is the ambition to possess, more than anything else, that prevents men from living in a free and noble way.

Bertrand Russell

Man’s universal ambition is to reap what he never sowed.

Adam Smith

Individual ambition is a childish passion.

Charles de Gauler

Listen to that ambition that speaks low in your heart, it will tell you which way to go.

Caroline Stemniak

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