Educate the children, so that it is not necessary to punish the adults.
True education is that which meets the child in order to achieve his or her liberation.
Maria Montessori
The teacher does not transmit what he says, but what he is.
José Pacheco
The teacher should adopt the role of facilitator, not content provider.
Lev Vygotsky
When education is not liberating, the dream of the oppressed is to be the oppressor.
Paulo Freire
30 early childhood education phrases to reflect on the future of children
The ideal of education is not learning to the maximum, maximizing results, but above all learning to learn, learning to develop and learning to continue to develop after school.
Jean Piaget
The educator is eternalized in each being he educates.
Paulo Freire
A school with an attractive and motivating classroom does not mean a disorganized school, without method and without limits.
Andrea Ramal
The experience school is the most educational.
If education alone does not transform society, without it, society does not change either.
Paulo Freire
33 Paulo Freire phrases to reflect on current education
It is necessary for the teacher to guide the child without him feeling his presence too much, so that he can always be ready to provide the necessary assistance, but never being an obstacle between the child and his experience.
Maria Montessori
There are schools that are cages and there are schools that are wings. Schools that are cages exist for birds to unlearn the art of flight.
Rubem Alves
Education is one of the things in this world that I unwaveringly believe in.
Cecília Meireles
Nobody walks without learning to walk, without learning to walk the path, redoing and retouching the dream for which he set out to walk.
Paulo Freire
There is no teaching without learning.
Paulo Freire
Teaching is not transferring knowledge, but creating possibilities for its own production or construction.
Paulo Freire
Families confuse schooling with education. It must be remembered that schooling is only one part of education. Educating is a family task.
Mario Sergio Cortella
Although with constantly melancholy results, my deep vocation has always been one: to educate.
Cecília Meireles
The proof of the success of our educational action is the happiness of the child.
Maria Montessori
The art of education must be cultivated in all aspects, to become a science built on a deep knowledge of human nature.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
40 phrases for early childhood teachers full of tributes
Love is the eternal foundation of education.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Education requires a whole interior, psychological, profound process.
Cecília Meireles
Education was once seen as magic, it could do anything, and as negative, it could do nothing. We have arrived at humility: it is not the key to transforming society.
Paulo Freire
Our highest task must be to form free human beings who are capable of finding purpose and direction for their lives on their own.
Rudolf Steiner
Who teaches, learns by teaching. And those who learn, teach by learning.
Paulo Freire
The child’s better nature must be encouraged as early as possible to combat the overbearing force of animal instinct.
Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Education is a social process, it is development. It’s not preparation for life, it’s life itself.
John Dewey
Educators, before being specialists in the tools of knowledge, should be specialists in love.
Rubem Alves
Education is an act of love, therefore, an act of courage. You can not fear the debate. The analysis of reality. It cannot escape the creative discussion, under penalty of being a farce.
Paulo Freire
Education is a cause that I embrace with passion as well as poetry.
Cecília Meireles