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28 Proud Parent-Child Moments

Parents always support their children and regardless of anything, they help them in any initiative they have.

The Incredible.club found 28 examples where children didn’t fall behind and did everything possible to make their parents proud.

Soldier receives congratulations from an officer, his father, for services rendered

This proud grandfather traveled 3,200 kilometers to attend his granddaughter’s graduation party

“From childhood I dreamed of following my father’s example. My dream came true!”

“My son came fourth in the race because instead of running to the goal, he ran to hug me. And I’m proud of him!”

“Just like my mother… 1994 and 2017”

“8 years ago, my father was deported to Nigeria. Today, he can share with me this very important stage in my life: my graduation!”

“As a birthday present, my daughter wanted us to collect food to take to hungry people. This was the result”

This father worked very hard as a street sweeper to pay for his son’s education. And he successfully graduated

A father looking proudly at his son, who is also a father now

Just like your father: 1975 and 2012

A son taking care of his mother

“The first fish my son caught. He said it was his Father’s Day gift, and I’m so proud.”

He became the most active reader of his school’s Braille books, doubling the previous record.

“Our 8-year-old son prepared bags for us with gifts. This was the content”

This daughter decided to follow her father’s profession and became a police officer. They work at the same police station. This was the gift she gave him for Christmas

“My mother and I took all the exams and were able to obtain US citizenship”

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, imitating his father

He cannot vote until the law giving him that right is enacted. This year, he voted for his daughter, who became the first African-American employee in the mayor’s office.

“My 12-year-old daughter drew my picture and placed it in a cup. It makes a wonderful Father’s Day gift.”

“Mom and Dad teaching me to ski”

Proud Moments for a Dad

When the son shares his father’s hobby, they can conquer the entire galaxy.

“Today my children prepared my breakfast”

“An important day for my 4 year old daughter”

“My daughter decorated the chess pieces with her own hands to give me a present and play her first game with me”

Childhood lessons were not in vain

“For Father’s Day, I tried to recreate my dad’s photo when he was 25”

Bonus: It’s not just kids that make parents proud

“My parents went back to school together and this was the day they graduated!”

Have you ever done something that made your parents proud and happy? Tell us here in the comments!

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