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20+ Truths About Life You’d Better Realize Before It’s Too Late

Growing up hurts. And putting aside everything that prevents us from evolving, in today’s post ordinary people decided to share about various aspects of life — happiness, relationships, money, creativity and self-development. Here you will not find truths that hurt, but only a new look at the lives of those people who are not afraid to surrender.

we, from awesome.club, we think that everyone has already wondered about the topics of our post today. And maybe some thought exposed here can touch someone’s soul. Also check the story bonus at the end!

My Latin teacher once—a quiet English gentleman in his 60s—said, “There is no point in all this experience that makes us stronger, because in the end, life is given to us to be happy, and not to be and learn to be strong”. © juliegagi / Twitter People always have an opinion. In 2010, I weighed 37 kg. Yes, it was very thin. They even nicknamed me “toothpick”. Everyone advised me: “Eat more junk to gain weight”. “No girl will want to marry you.” In 2015, I managed to reach 60 kg and people kept pestering me to gain more weight. In 2018, I gained a beer belly, reached 75 kg and started to create habits that are harmful to health. And people still have an opinion. Everyone advises me to go on a diet and join the gym, otherwise no girl will want me. So no matter what happens, they will always talk. I decided to just live my best life without paying attention to the destructive comments. © Rakshith Akira / Quora I have been working as a doctor for 10 years. As I work a lot, I haven’t built a family yet. During this time I gained weight and stopped playing sports, although I love skiing. A patient once asked me to examine her after her appointment with another doctor. My schedule was tight, but I stayed in the office for another hour to receive her. She later told me, “You’re so good you can’t say ‘no’ to anyone.” That’s where I got my head, they said that same sentence to a fellow surgeon who died, and he wasn’t even 50 years old. I took a vacation, joined a gym and started taking care of my food and sleep. I don’t know how much time I have left, but there’s no point in putting things off until later. © Подслушано / Ideer
Real monsters are not under the bed, real monsters demand their maximum for minimum wage. © hyper228 / PIkabu The word “sorry” is often said by people who are not to blame for anything, they just really value each other. © Подслушано / Ideer I read this somewhere a long time ago. If you have a Maybach (a big car) nowadays and you didn’t even have a bike when you were a kid, it doesn’t matter… you’ll still be “a kid without a bike🇧🇷 © fleyg / Pikabu All savings, in the end, come down to you saving on health, feelings and emotions, losing things for which you will be willing to give all the money in the world in the future. © BEDPouD / Pikabu
I’m taking a course in child psychology and I heard a wonderful phrase: “Every time you impose your interests on a child and want them to carry them out against their will for something you wanted very much in the past, you should ask yourself: ‘Have I given a child’s life or have I given a child’s life to myself?’ © Wizard_Severus / Twitter Nobody except your parents and a friend or two (maybe) really care about you. Many of your “friends” will envy you if everything goes well in your life and will be happy if it doesn’t. © Shweta Mehta / Quora I wouldn’t want my son to grow up in a family where sushi or pizza are instruments of reward. © akirarussia / Twitter You don’t really know a person until inheritance issues are involved. A friend told me this and, gee, how right he was. It’s horrible to sue her own sister, who you’ve known for as long as you can remember, because she doesn’t want her name in her will. © Подслушано / Ideer You will never get over your mother’s friend’s son. © apero / Pikabu
My mother taught me a wonderful thing: “Leave when the movie is not interesting.” An uninteresting movie can be any project you’re no longer fitting into for some reason, a job you’re not appreciated, a relationship that’s no longer working out, or even a movie with Matthew McConaughey that you’ve paid an expensive ticket for. . © veterinastya / Twitter A coworker who was stressed about being given too much work said, “Do more of what people expect of you and they will continue to expect it of you.” And how true this is. © Back2Bach / Reddit You pay for the lack of knowledge. My chemistry teacher once told a story I remember to this day. A friend of his works fixing air conditioning. A nice woman called asking for service saying the device was hot and wouldn’t turn on. The guy charges a $100 fee just to go to the place. Arriving there, he checked the air and saw that he had no problems, only the cable was not connected. So he told the woman, “So your air conditioner wasn’t on. It’s working now, but unfortunately you still owe me $100 for coming here.” The woman was not upset, she handed over the money and said: “Well, you pay for the lack of knowledge”. © DigiDuncan / Reddit
My parents always raised me to take responsibility for my actions. If I got good grades, I could take piano lessons; if my average dropped, I had to raise it to be able to do extracurricular activities. This had a negative effect on me because I came to believe that the world was a fair place and hard work always paid off. But at some point in life, things started to go wrong even though I was doing my best. Circumstances I couldn’t control. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that many bad things that happened to me were simply out of my control. I had no part in creating them. I couldn’t control the outcome, because there are some really bad people in the world. Wisdom is born in knowing how to discern. And once you learn when something isn’t your fault, even if you did the best you could, you start to live without shame, without guilt and without holding back. Life gets so much better! © Melissa Myer / Quora The real hell is knowing the person you could have been. © Unknown / Reddit I once heard the phrase: “In each of us there are 500 absolutely bad works of art. You cannot create worthy things until you get rid of them.” After that, I stopped getting upset about screwing up something in my drawings. © redsamala / Reddit

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“I’ve come a long way. Self-portrait taken at age 8 and 17″.

If you’re early, you’re on time. If you arrive on time, you are late. © Unknown / Reddit I was at the gym once and wondered aloud if I would ever see results. The guy next to me, who was very excited, said with a smile, “No matter how hard you train, there will always be someone bigger than you. So do those who see you as the greatest. Learn to deal with it and focus on yourself.” This advice applies to many other areas of life besides the gym. © LartisteDaJour / Reddit In March 2016, I was sitting working in the office when the head of the HR department called me into his office. My director was there too. I thought we were going to discuss the usual work-related issues, but no, the HR manager told me he needed to fire me due to mass layoffs at other branches. I was very upset and it gnawed at me for months, even so I decided to participate in some interviews. Now I work for a large multinational. Sometimes a bad situation turns in your favor. © Anonymous / Quora


Once we got together with friends for a barbecue. While some were preparing meat and others lighting charcoal, the children organized an excursion into a field of strawberry plants.
One of my friends started a conversation:
— I work 7 days a week, two jobs. I come home and I just sleep. If not, we can’t travel to the beach on vacation.
His wife looked reproachfully. He was embarrassed and went to set up the net, but came back and continued.
“You work and you don’t have time for your family. He needs to change his car, go on vacation, buy clothes for his wife.
Then the children came back from the field, and this friend’s son said:
— Father, father. Borya and his father go fishing, play football and play with building Lego. And Mishka and dad are fixing the bike to ride together. Why don’t we do this?
“Son, you know Dad has to work so we can travel to the beach for the holidays.
– Dad, but why be tired all year to rest just for two weeks? © Yanina13 / Pikabu

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Do you disagree with any of the thoughts exposed in the post? Because? What phrase or wisdom do you carry with you for life? Tell us in the comments section.

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