Home » Guidance » 20 quirky photos that should be accompanied by explanations

20 quirky photos that should be accompanied by explanations

A good photograph can depend on a number of factors: framing, lighting, composition and many other details. However, there is another category of images that catch our attention thanks to a very different feature: revealing things that we don’t usually see. This is the case of the photographs of our selection, whose peculiarity is the record of things that we do not see every day.

we, from awesome.club, we had fun looking at these photos that seem to defy logic and have led us to question: but how is it possible?

1. Just the key we needed!

2. “I thought I was a cat with a strange tail”

3. A very useful fork to use as a spoon

4. “They made the inside of this bus look like a jungle”

5. “A black ‘Stop’ sign”

6. A good place to put the cameras if you want to disguise them

7. Ready for a dip?

8. “A hamburger shop near my house uses a 1970s car as a delivery vehicle.”

9. “My hard-boiled egg cracked and turned into a little English ‘lawyer’ egg”

10. “A giant banana. My hand to compare”

11. “The 40 cm marker is missing from my cheap tape measure”

12. “A stain on the carpet that reminds us of the American continent”

13. “These toilets are differentiated by chromosomes rather than genders”

14. “My sliced ​​bacon looks pixelated”

15. “Someone brought a Bob Ross toaster to our house and it toasts the slices of bread with his face”

16. “The other side of beverage dispensers, in a fast-food chain”

17. “This key on the floor of LaGuardia Airport in New York”

18. “This mall has a ‘husbands warehouse’ with massager chairs and cell phone chargers”

“Husbands Depot”

19. “A bag my mom has been using for 39 years”

20. “The water to fill my hotel’s jacuzzi comes from the ceiling”

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen lately? If you got to take a picture, share it with us!

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