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20+ Photos about what life is like for single and independent men

Society tends to pity single people. Those around them look at them with empathy and all the time want to introduce someone to them. At the same time, the number of people who prefer a solitary life is growing in some countries. In Brazilaccording to the IBGE, singles are 43% of the population, compared to 46% of married people — the rest are widowed or divorced.

O Incredible.club decided to check if single life is really that sad. User photos on social media answer this question better than words.

1. A bachelor’s fridge is where you can always find ice

2. “This pizza was baking for six hours while I, drunk, slept sitting up, right in front of the oven”

3. Even in the face of the saddest events you can find some benefit

4. But sometimes a new state is a new discovery

5. When a man is in charge of preparing dinner

6. The secret is to prepare a worthy presentation

7. Washing the dishes after every meal is not even an obligation

8. Men’s parties are not like women’s parties

9. And this is what a bachelor’s stove looks like after making a simple chili

10. A free man’s “good morning”

11. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what a proper rest would be.

12. “The only thing I have left after the divorce. I consider myself a winner”

13. “My wife left. Now the animals can do everything, including climbing into the bed.”

14. A brief lesson on separating assets after a divorce

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15. But life starts to get better. And you go back to having fun with your friends

16. You ride the Ferris wheel, even though everyone is afraid of heights

17. A bachelor’s menu: more meat, optional garnish

18. No one will complain about your “unhealthy lunch”

19. And at a men’s party, you can allow yourself to do anything silly, without fear of looking like a child.

20. And if a 41-year-old man decides to buy himself flowers, who could blame him?

21. How not to fall in love with a guy like that?

Is that you? Did you imagine single life would be like this? What’s your opinion? Comment with us 😊

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