Do you remember how simpler life was in 2009? A lot of people didn’t use the Internet, social networks were just a form of entertainment for students, the world said goodbye to ICQ and Orkut, and the Era of Skype began. Nowadays, in contrast, we already have a possible vaccine against HIV, 5G phones (which will soon land here), drone technology and a huge variety of electronic books. We fall in love more quickly and get divorced more often. We travel a lot, but we always forget our appointments. What will happen to our lives in the next decade?
O studied the trends pointed out by scientists. In this post, we want to share with you the most interesting conclusions about what the future we are building today will look like.
People will live in communal housing
Living in a communal house or apartment will make you feel needed.🇧🇷 More often people will rent apartments with friends rather than living alone. Interest in “communal” ways of life is growing. It would be something similar to the lifestyle of the characters on the series “Friends”, in which friends lived together or very close and were always supporting and helping each other.
The human being has the urge to flee from loneliness🇧🇷 As Rachel de Queiroz said: “We are born and die alone. And maybe that’s why you need so much to be accompanied”. The main thing is not material gain, but the need for contact or communication with others. Unlike traditional families, this new format does not provide for leaders. All rights and conditions are equal for all members of the community.
This new urban trend of living in community gained the term of coliving🇧🇷 Professor Wendy Gamber believes that this structure emerged in the 19th century, when single, who did not find a partner (or when they lost their loved one), preferred not to return to their families and chose to live with people close to them, who understood them on a deeper level. Today, interest in this way of life is gradually changing society itself, helping to eliminate some gender differences, such as:
instead of a men’s and women’s bathroom, there is a community (or unisex) bathroom; end of the concepts of “masculine” and “feminine” responsibilities of the house. As a result, it no longer matters whether or not a woman can cook, or whether or not a man can hammer a nail. The main thing is that there is compatibility of personalities. clothing will become gender-neutral: women increasingly wear trousers; men are no longer shy about pink or clothes that emphasize the body more because they are tight, etc. the concept of unisex cosmetics arises: lipsticks, wrinkle cream and foundation (both for men and women)
Children will be a luxury reserved for the few
Already in the early 2000s, one in three children was not planned. Count 9 months from your birthday. Most likely, the day of your conception will coincide with some holiday or weekend. That is, at the turn of the century, giving birth was no longer a life purpose for many women. In the coming decades, this phenomenon tends to intensify.
Today, not everyone can afford a child. This is becoming more and more a conscious choice of a couple who are perfectly healthy, who have an excellent relationship and a good economic condition. Professor Sarah Harper believes that the decline in the birth rate is not necessarily a bad sign. Thanks to technological progress and advances in artificial intelligence, we already have cars that circulate without a driver and supermarket cashiers for self-service (with payment through the mobile application). Therefore, we no longer need this cheap labor to perform in such services.
In 10 years, the computer will replace humans in many areas. Although developing and underdeveloped countries still rely heavily on population size and therefore seek to increase birth rates, developed countries emphasize the qualitative workmanship of individuals.
If today the State can limit (in certain places) the right to have children, tomorrow the situation may become even more inflexible. It is possible that there is a system of “permits”, given only to those who are physically, mentally and financially able to have a child and give them a decent life.
Higher education will be a privilege for the smartest and for those who already have a career mapped out.
Going to college is no longer seen as the only way to have a well-paying job and a decent life.
It is possible to start life from scratch at any time🇧🇷 We consider it normal for a 40-year-old person to leave their job for years to follow their passion for cooking and dedicate themselves solely to it. Even if you’re going to earn a lot less for your work. 20-30 years ago, this person would have been called “selfish”, old and “stupid”, but expectations have changed a lot.
The education system is changing. For a child (of school age) who shows special talents, a place at university will already be guaranteed and he will be allowed to develop his scientific aptitudes from an early age. Other children, however, will be invited to spend a year or two working to think about which area they would like to work in. Only after that time, should they continue higher education to build a career.
People want access, not ownership
The concept of ownership is changing. We live in the Era of the sharing economy: we pay for temporary use, refusing to purchase. The popularity of services carsharing (car-sharing) in many countries has led people to buy cars less frequently. With that in mind, Volvo already offers a new car subscription: once a month you pay for the use of a zero vehicle and the company assumes the maintenance costs.
Today, it is already possible:
Some time ago, this seemed like a utopia. Today, and going forward, life of “renting” and sharing goods and services will be the norm. This, by the way, can lead to the creation of a new “currency”, which will be based on human behavior: the more benefits a person brings to society, the more goods and services will be available to him. A similar system is already being tested in China, the Social Credit System.
Beauty ideals are changing
Today, cosmetics and plastic surgery are so accessible that they allow all of us to change our appearance in the blink of an eye.🇧🇷 Speaking a little about the male universe, the trend is the preference for more “natural” and “well cared for” female bodies. As much as this is a particularly relative question, the ideal of beauty artificial from the world of social networks it doesn’t look like it will go very far.
Mirrors, tattoos and toilets will help doctors monitor your health (but you will be the subject of experiments)
More and more inventions are emerging to diagnose your health, so that doctors have full access to information about your physical and mental condition, so they can start treatment in time:
toothbrushes that monitor your brushing technique and reflect the state of your oral health through the cell phone application, noting the right time to make an appointment with the dentist; tattoos that change color to respond to changes in blood sugar levels; mirror that analyzes the condition of your skin and selects the appropriate care; fitness trackers, which monitor pressure and heart function, and can call an ambulance if needed; Toilets are already being manufactured that analyze daily waste and transmit the data to doctors if any irregularities are detected.
Nowadays, there is easy access to DNA tests, which allow you to discover your own ancestry. It also allows scientists to develop innovative new drugs and treatments by studying genetic diversity. Imagine the advance that current medicine will have if researchers obtain data on the health of millions of people around the world: young, old, healthy, sick and others.
No dentures or cavities
The veneers, appliances and tooth enamel restorative pastes will be replaced by a gel that allows the growth of an artificial enamel on the tooth itself. We’ll also look at ultrasonic toothbrushes that clean the entire mouth in seconds, as well as medicine, which will make the teeth grow and restore themselves🇧🇷
Fashion is already becoming more eco-friendly: some brands reward customers with discounts for taking old clothes and accessories for recycling, while others create entire collections with items from the trash. Many celebrities seek to support this trend. For example, Megan Markle, who is a fan of a company that makes shoes from plastic bottles.
Exoskeletons and artificial organs as a way to prolong life
With the development of biomechanics and robotics, today we have prostheses that can be controlled by the human mind, neurostimulators that transform ideas into words, as well as exoskeletons that allow people with motor disabilities and the elderly to live their lives in the best possible way.
Scientists at Tel Aviv University went even further and began printing complex organs such as the heart and kidneys on a 3D printer using stem cells. Thanks to this achievement, we will be able to replace compromised organs and body parts with artificial organs, which will increase and improve life expectancy and quality.
Vegetables that grow in buildings and meat that grows in laboratories
Vertical farms save space in growing plants. Conceived as an element of the urban environment, in the future they could be applied in any housing complex, and each building (however tall it may be) will have its own vegetable garden and vegetation, providing people with fresh produce throughout the year. Such crops will be supplemented with artificially grown meat. This will be possible when scientists use animal cells to “grow” ready-to-eat meats.
Food culture will change: We are moving away from processed foods and reducing consumption of animal foods. In many countries, people celebrate “Meatless Monday” and similar vegetarian or vegan activities.
It is possible that, due to the influence of Asian countries, we will start to consume insectswhich are the source of a…