Working long hours in front of the computer, straining your eyes under the sun, sleeping less than necessary… all these activities can cause your vision to start to blur over time. Dry eye is one of the first responsible for making your eyes look tired and lackluster, in addition to causing numerous discomforts.
O wants to tell you what you can do to restore radiance to your eyes.
1. Wash your eyes with green tea
Green tea bags are very effective when it comes to reducing dark circles and eyelid puffiness. In addition to being an easily accessible product, this tea contains caffeine and organic antioxidants that soothe and refresh the eye system.
To clean properly, heat the water and pour it into a container with tea bags. Once wet, drain the water and let it cool. After half an hour, place the warm bags over your eyes, using them to lightly massage the area for 15 minutes.
2. Consume more essential fatty acids
Essential fats, known as omega-3 and 6, are so named because they cannot be produced by the body and therefore must be consumed. Foods rich in these acids, such as avocados, salmon and walnuts, can help children’s eye system to develop properly and prevent a variety of eye diseases in adults.
3. Avoid rubbing your eyes
It is very common to rub your eyes throughout the day (which should be avoided). The more we rub, the more the skin around the eyes and the cornea weaken. The eyelids are very sensitive and have small veins just below the surface. When rubbing the area hard, these vessels can rupture and release some blood. As a result, dark circles may appear under the eyes temporarily.
4. Protect your eyes from the sun
It is very important to protect your eyes from sunlight. Over the years, UV rays have been associated with the development of various eye diseases. We must also remember that the sun is strongly harmful to the skin and causes many aesthetic disadvantages, such as the appearance of wrinkles and marks around the eye area.
5. Get enough sleep
Throughout the day, you are constantly exposed to new stimuli. This causes the eyes to constantly change focus, expending more energy and generating tears. Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep is essential for keeping the body and mind healthy, as well as for the health of the eye system. When resting, the body is able to produce the natural tears that the eye needs during the day to stay hydrated and function well.
6. Drink lots of water
The entire body needs hydration to function properly and the eyes are no exception. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. Hydration is essential so that the eyes do not become dehydrated, depriving the muscles of one of their essential fuels.
7. Use cucumbers to prevent bloating
What we’ve seen for so many years in the movies is real, as cucumbers are excellent for reducing eyelid puffiness and lightening dark circles. Because it contains vitamin C and large amounts of water, cucumber stimulates skin cells, in addition to hydrating it. To achieve this effect, you must cut the cucumber into slices and let them rest on your eyelids for 15 minutes.
8. Choose your makeup well
Some people tend to wear makeup every day, even a little, but many don’t check expiration dates, especially mascara, which is what touches the eyes the most. If the makeup has expired, no matter how much product is left, it should be discarded. In addition, it is necessary to remove makeup and wash your face before going to bed.
9. Buy eye drops to lubricate your eyes
Artificial tears work very well for people who tend to have dry eyes. It is one of the easiest and most effective options to improve this condition. They provide immediate relief, causing the eyes to regain their original hydration and shine.
10. Consider quitting smoking
It is well known that smoking harms most of the body. This habit affects not only the lungs, but also the eye system that can get sick. Smoking is linked to the development of cataracts, uveitis and macular degeneration. In addition, it tends to increase these conditions and seriously compromise vision, causing, among other problems, blurred vision and redness.
11. Try to spend less time in front of screens
It’s almost impossible not to use electronic screens to work, use social media and send messages. Even so, we can reduce the exposure time. There is a technique known as 20-20-20 rule🇧🇷 It is about distancing the view from the screen every 20 minutes, directing the gaze to a point located 20 meters away for 20 seconds. By doing this, the eye muscle relaxes and eyestrain is reduced.
12. Exercise a few times a week
Regular exercise is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the body. Its benefits on the mind are also popularly known. Frequent exercise, according to medicine, reduces the chances of developing cataracts and glaucoma, as it stimulates blood flow to the retina, notably improving the health of the eye muscle.
13. Use warm compresses
Highly recommended for tired and dry eyes, warm compresses can greatly relax the eye muscle. They tend to work on various parts of the body as they are very effective in reducing inflammation and pain. In addition, the heat on the eyes helps to hydrate them, stretching the muscles and relaxing the eyes.
How do you keep your eyes healthy and bright? Could you add more tips to the list? Tell us in the comments section.
Illustrated Natalia Tylosova exclusive to Incrí