Home » Guidance » 12 Incredible Facts About Tiago Iorc After He Was Missing A Year And Released A Surprise New Album

12 Incredible Facts About Tiago Iorc After He Was Missing A Year And Released A Surprise New Album

Without warning anything, the gaucho singer and songwriter Tiago Iorc broke his silence of almost a year and a half and released a new album on the internet music platforms. Reconstruction arrived at dawn on the 5th of May, a Sunday, leaving fans in an uproar and breaking records.

O Incredible.club tells how this surprise release took place, recalls facts and moments of the star’s career and the singer’s muses in the past and present. And at the end of the post we prepared a bonus special for you.

1. New album breaks record

Tiago Iorc’s new album, Reconstruction, has already “arrived”. Its 13 songs entered at once in the list of the 50 most played on the streaming platform Spotify. Another artist who achieved the same feat was Anitta, with her most recent work, kisses🇧🇷 It turns out that Anitta’s album has 10 songs and, therefore, Tiago won in terms of number of songs.

the songs of Reconstruction are all composed by Tiago, who has received critical acclaim for his maturity as an author.

2. The muse

Reconstruction is a visual album: all the songs have clips already officially released on YouTube, directed in partnership by Tiago and filmmaker Rafael Trindade. And all the clips have the participation of the model Michele Alves, 21 years old.

The girl was born in Balsas, Maranhão, and says she was a little apprehensive before doing the scenes she stars in the videos, as she had never done such work. The number of followers of her Instagram account doubled in a few days with the public’s curiosity. But Michele leaves it in the air and doesn’t answer anything when asked if there is a climate of romance between her and Tiago.

3. The disappearance

In January 2018, Tiago Iorc announced that he would take an indefinite time off from his career and fame. “I concluded that a rest will do me good. Absent from our Instagram life that consumes us and allow myself to live without calculating so much, discover myself in new fears, to be sure of the improbable again. That’s all I go for in this life. See you soon,” he wrote on his social media account.

Fulfilling his promise, Tiago deleted all the photos from his Instagram account and only posted the album cover again in the early hours of its release. There were those who compared him to the singer and songwriter Belchior, who was absent from public life for almost 10 years.

4. Where has he been

Fans and the press speculated different whereabouts of Tiago during the 1 year and 4 month period that he was out of circulation. Some news reported that he was in Los Angeles, United States. Columnist Leo Dias, from the newspaper O Dia, assured, in a November 2018 note, that Tiago never left Brazil. He would have been seen in a simple inn in Salvador (BA), where he would have spent most of his time.

In California or Bahia, the truth is that Tiago did not stand by and watch life go by. Nobody shows up with a 13-track, 13-clip record overnight, do you agree? It is obvious that much of this time was spent on writing and recording work.

5. Beyonce-style

The album Reconstruction it was composed and recorded with complete freedom, without the slightest interference from record company directors, who usually give hunches in the creation of artists. Only after everything was ready did Tiago deliver the album to the Universal label, responsible only for distributing the disc.

Who usually works like this, with total freedom, is Beyoncé. The diva only delivers the work when it’s ready. Tiago is also on the team of artists who can do whatever they want.

6. Citizen of the Planet

Tiago Iorczeski has a gypsy soul and from an early age he learned to adapt to changes. He was born in Brasília on November 28, 1985. When he was 10 months old, his family moved to England. He returned at age 5 and spent his childhood between Passo Fundo (RS) and Curitiba (PR). At age 11 he moved to the United States. He returned to live in Curitiba, where he studied advertising at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC). Afterwards, he graduated in music at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).

7. Former Muses

Tiago dated actress Isabelle Drummond from February 2014 to September 2015. When he released the music video I loved to see you, at the end of 2015, there were comments that the actress Bruna Marquezine would have provoked the separation. Bruna appears in the clip in very provocative images, as is common in Tiago’s videos.

The singer denied speculation that he would have a romance with Bruna.

8. Tiago in English

Tiago started his career with music Scared, by Canadian band Three Days Grace, at a university festival. His recording of this song was selected for the soap opera soundtrack Two facefrom Rede Globo, in 2007. From that moment on, several of his songs — both authorial and reinterpretations — were included in soap operas.

until the album Umbilical (2011), Tiago recorded only in English. He said he could express himself better in that language, which he mastered fluently. It was with English that he gained great popularity in the East, especially in Japan and Korea.

9. Tiago in Portuguese

The album Zeski, from 2013, already mixed songs in English and Portuguese. But Tiago only fully adopted the native language on the album Change likes, 2015. He admitted that the change was fundamental for his career to gain definitive strength in Brazil: “This album came from a desire to get closer to the public in Brazil. I already had some songs in Portuguese, and when I sang them at concerts, the audience participation was always more energetic,” he said.

10. Partners and friends

Throughout his career, Tiago Iorc collects partnerships and friendships. He has already sung with Maria Gadú, with Sandy, with the singer Silva and even with Robertos Carlos, in the traditional annual television special of the King. He also works behind the scenes, as a producer for the duo Anavitória.

The singer and composer from Minas Gerais Milton Nascimento, however, is his most illustrious fan and colleague. It was the most fruitful partnership. Milton liked Tiago’s sound so much that he invited him to sing and compose together. In addition to the recorded songs, the meeting culminated in a series of concerts by the duo across the country in 2017.

11. Inspiration

For Tiago, any time is the time to see a new song born: “Every opportunity I get, I take my guitar and turn it into something beautiful for the next person, regardless of how it will project. It can be among friends, in an action on the street or in a show for more than a thousand people. This is indifferent when the will is simply to make music”.

12. Love for life

“I think I have a love for life. Everything can be a source of inspiration. A more intimate relationship with someone or an intimate relationship with a will or an observation about things in life”, Tiago said a few months before announcing his disappearance.

Bonus: The Internet does not forgive, and even Father Fábio de Melo joked about the sudden return of Tiago Iorc

Do you like the sound of Tiago Iorc? We want to know in the comments what you think about the singer and what his favorite songs are!

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