You are born with intuition, but no one says that it cannot be developed. Let’s see tips to achieve it.
Some people have an innate ability to perceive their surroundings. They usually make the right decisions and luck smiles on them. They are those who have known how to exercise and develop intuition in such a way that they have incorporated it as another habit in their lives. Do you want to learn how to do it?
According to numerous psychological theories, intuition is knowledge that cannot be explained or verbalized, because it is not achieved rationally. We are not referring to the esoteric conception of intuition; but rather an ability to perceive and understand reality without using reason. It is innate, not supernatural.
We propose a series of techniques that will allow you to learn to guide yourself more accurately, to make correct decisions and to expand your vision of life. If you want to develop your intuition, keep these exercises in mind!
1. Trust your hunches
You are about to accept a new job. It is a very prestigious multinational that, without a doubt, will provide the boost you were waiting for in your career. Now you have a somewhat more modest job, which allows you to live, but with which you have not yet managed to excel. They give you two days to make the decision.
Rationally, you know that the multinational is a unique opportunity, a train that may never pass again. But something inside tells you not to accept it. There is something inside you that doesn’t give you a good feeling. Learn to give importance to those hunches you have, because they are a signal that your body is sending you so that you should be cautious.
Give them the place they deserve. If you let yourself be guided by your intuition, you won’t be able to blame yourself for anything in the future. You acted according to what you thought would be best for you. You may or may not be right, but at least you are going to let out that ability that you had hidden. Generally, if someone or something generates a negative emotion in you, you are dealing with an intuition.
2. Practice your observation
The relationship that exists between perception and intuition is manifest. The most intuitive people are more observant.
To observe is to browse, to pay attention and care to what surrounds you. It is trying to obtain data or acquire knowledge about things that you find novel, surprising or remarkable.
This mindfulness exercise will make you find similarities, coincidences and relationships between objects and people in your environment, which at first seemed completely unrelated.
3. Meditation will help you develop intuition
Maybe you don’t know if you are intuitive or not, because you don’t have enough self-knowledge to consider it. In this sense, meditation practices can help you awaken this ability and develop it little by little. Its benefits are clear: they reduce anxiety and stress, allow you to understand yourself, release negative emotions and maintain a state of emotional balance.
Practicing meditation helps you pay attention to stimuli around you that previously went unnoticed. So, In addition to developing intuition, you will notice changes in your creative abilities and you will feel more awake and connected. Test it!
4. Landscape visualization
Another practice closely linked to meditation and that helps develop intuition is visualization. A very useful tool that allows you to have greater control of your mind, emotions and body. It consists of learning to relax by imagining different situations realistically.
Therefore, you should close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to visualize a place that transmits good vibes to you. For example, a green field full of tulips or the top of a snowy mountain from where you can see an entire mountain range.
Look at every detail of that landscape. The intensity of the green of the grass, the sound of the wind that touches your skin, that small petal that is about to fall off… Keep all these small details in your memory. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.
You will surely feel calmer and more relaxed., as if you had been in that pleasant place for a few moments. With this, you will have improved your intuition, but it will also serve as a relaxation technique against peaks of anxiety or stress that you experience in your daily routine.
5. Take time to be alone
Loneliness is scary. It is a feeling that, when we think about it in the future, terrifies and paralyzes us. This doesn’t mean we can’t be alone with ourselves from time to time. Of course we can! And even, we must.
Sometimes, We have to isolate ourselves from everything that is happening around us, take perspective and know how to listen to our heart and our unconscious. “If I do this, am I going to feel good or bad?”, “I don’t trust my new coworker very much, I’m going to be careful,” “I think my son is going to be better at this school than at this other one.” ”.
Try to relax, take a walk and free your mind from daily work exhaustion. Stay away from technology, alone Reunite with your deepest self and let it guide you.
6. Learn to differentiate between prejudice and intuition
One of the key tricks when developing intuition is learning to differentiate between a hunch and a reaction coming from prejudices. The latter are preconceived ideas about different groups of people, all of them minorities. The deconstruction of one’s own thinking is necessary to differentiate the two types of rejection.
7. Encourages the appearance of lucid dreams
Lucid dreams, those in which we can control what is happening, are very useful for developing intuition. To achieve this, reflect on what has caught your attention during the day just before going to sleep.
In this way you will activate your brain with what it has experienced while awake, its interpretations and observations. It will take a while, but you will start to have lucid dreams more often.
Don’t forget to write down everything you dream about as soon as you wake up.
8. Visualize geometric bodies
Another visualization exercise to improve intuition is to visualize geometric elements on a white background. Combine them, make them more complex, like this for a few minutes. This way you will develop abstract thinking and your imagination.
9. Develop empathy
Empathy is the ability to know how others feel through the feeling of “being in their shoes.” This ability to appropriately interpret the feelings and mental processes of others It will open the doors to a more complex knowledge about people, which in turn will develop your intuition about them.
10. Stimulate your creativity
Creativity and intuition are connected, since the unconscious generates new ideas from knowledge hidden from your internal perception. Draw, make music, write, carve, it doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad at it. The important thing is to get out of the limits of your head.
11. Work on your negative emotions
Everyone has felt that black cloud that clouds their understanding, turning everything into a dark gray that always seems absurd afterwards. Well, it is not: negative emotions transform judgment and interfere with intuition, making it more prejudiced and pessimistic. Take care of your emotions and you will take care of your intuition.
Many times, We must make decisions that are truly transcendental. Therefore, developing intuition becomes an exercise that brings us great advantages when it comes to dealing with it. Are you ready?
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