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10 things a man does if he really loves you. do you agree?

In general, men are not very expressive about their feelings, often due to the upbringing and culture that men are supposed to be “tough”.

It is not uncommon for men to avoid making their feelings clear for fear of feeling vulnerable in a relationship.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t tell if he really likes you.

Each relationship is unique and has its particularities and way of working.

Despite this, there are some things that pretty much every man does when he really loves his partner. See our list, analyze the signals and leave your comment saying if you agree.

1. He loves you and respects you for who you are

You are much more than a pretty face and a pretty body, and you feel that he loves you completely, with your strengths and weaknesses. He accepts your life choices and supports you in your decisions.

2. He’s your biggest fan

He’s rooting for you, really. Whatever the challenge, like an important meeting at work, a contest or a competition for a promotion, he looks forward to everything going well.

He believes in you and your ability and still makes a point of telling everyone about it.

3. He protects you

We are past the time of caves when men had to protect women from wild animals. Today, protection is much more about defending you from emotional trauma.

4. He takes responsibility

When times are tough or when there’s a tough decision to make, a man who truly loves his partner takes responsibility and faces challenges.

This does not mean that he must do everything alone, but that he is ready to do his best to get through the most complicated days.

5. He cares about your opinion

When a man truly loves a woman, he cares about her opinion and makes a point of listening to her. What you think about religion, politics or even the color of the walls is relevant to him.

You feel that he really listens to you, because he pays attention even when you are talking about trivial things.

6. He remembers the details

He remembers that you prefer Coke Zero with only lime and no ice, that your favorite candy is beijinho, and that you are allergic to yellow dye.

By paying attention to you and what you say, he tends to remember your likes and dislikes because you are important to him.

7. You are the priority

Will he have to take a giant detour to pick you up from work? OK. Do you need help setting up a table on his team’s game day? He gets ready.

He loves you and that’s why you are always the priority in his life.

8. He gives you space

Loving doesn’t mean wanting the other just for you. So he doesn’t make drama and doesn’t see problems when you do activities without him, like hanging out with your friends.

He’s confident and mature enough to know that everyone needs time without their partner so they don’t smother the relationship.

9. He misses you

When one of you needs to travel, he makes a point of texting or calling to see how you are doing and how his day went.

Even though he’s far away, he always manages to keep in touch with you, because he misses you.

10. He feels your pain

If you are sad, so is he. Men like to protect their partners, and if you’re hurting, he’s also hurting for not being able to resolve it.

Those who love, regardless of gender, also feel pain when their partner is not well.

So, do you agree with this list? These are some good signs that a man loves a woman. However, if your partner doesn’t practice all these habits, that’s no reason to end the relationship in a hurry.

Each relationship has its particularities and each person gives more value to this or that demonstration of true feeling. What did you think of the list? Would you add any sign? Tell us in the comments!

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