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Why the change of seasons makes some people feel bad

There are times of the year when it is common for people to feel more tired, irritable or even stressed. In addition, depending on the weather, they may also experience discomfort or pain in different parts of the body. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Incredible as it may seem, this variation in our sensitivity may be related to meteorological variations and is called ‘meteorosensitivity’.

Today the incredible.club will tell more details about people who suffer from this type of sensitivity and give some recommendations that help to face these problems.

Sensitivity to weather variations

People affected by the change of seasons, either physically or mentally, are known as “meteosensitive”, or who suffer from “weather diseases”. It is estimated that about 30% of the population suffers from problems of this type. The main symptoms are headaches, mood swings and pain in bones, muscles, joints and old injuries. However, these symptoms only appear in specific cases, such as the factors that we will comment on below.

Atmospheric pressure

Malaise, headaches and fatigue manifest themselves when the atmospheric pressure is too low. On the other hand, when the pressure is high, the body oxygenates more and the heart rate increases. Pressure fluctuations in the environment usually cause migraines and changes in behavior; if the change is too sudden, some people may have insomnia and exhibit aggressive behavior.

Humidity in the environment

When a person says: “I have pain in my knee, I think it’s going to rain”, most likely he is right, since when the temperature decreases and the humidity increases, the joints usually suffer. Although these pains mostly affect elderly people with arthritis problems, they can also affect young people who tend to put too much stress on their joints, or who have a previous injury.

High temperatures

However, it is not just low temperatures that cause changes in the body; highs also affect our organism a lot. When the heat is moderate, people are usually in a good mood; however, when the temperature starts to heat up, it is normal for people to feel irritable, apathetic, less able to concentrate and react, and in some cases even to show aggressive behavior.

Hours of light during the day

Another important factor is the number of hours of light during the day. When people suffer from weather-related problems, the low light is very likely to cause tiredness, irritability, anxiety, trouble sleeping or sadness. This happens because the production of serotonin (known as the happiness hormone) decreases, which causes the mentioned symptoms. In countries where the amount of light varies greatly depending on the season, people have to adapt to more or less hours of light, which is not easy for everyone.

How to prevent these conditions

Now that you know how weather changes can affect the human body, let’s see some recommendations to prevent and face these problems.

Strengthen your immune system to be able to face climate change more strongly. When humidity rises, try to stay in warm, dry places. Exercises help keep the body more elongated and avoid joint pain. Remember that hydration is a way to keep your body healthier. Always try to keep your body active, so you reduce the possibility of being sad and even depressed. Be sure to talk to an expert if you experience any more intense symptoms.

We can’t control the weather and the seasons, but we can find better ways to deal with these changes. Do you consider yourself a person sensitive to weather changes? What other symptoms have you experienced? share this post with your friends and family.

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