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Why Dogs See Better Than Us

Many suspect that pets are capable of seeing ghosts and this justifies their strange behavior. Scientists agree that animals have unique vision and can perceive what the human eye cannot. And this has a reasonable explanation: there is no paranormal phenomenon in your dog gazing at the sky or barking at a new painting you bought.

The study showed that the thinnest lens in the eyes of dogs and cats lets ultraviolet light through, which in turn gives them a superpower that allows them to see what humans cannot.

awesome.club decided to find out the advantages that this virtue gives them and imagine how our so captivating and beloved four-legged friends see the world around us.

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen can be seen with ultraviolet light, and that means animals can see it too. We can only guess how fun people with UV filters must look to dogs.

2. A “marked” place

The marking of a space is a means of communication in the animal world, allowing the dog to obtain information about other species in its habitat. It is known that all biological fluids have the property of glowing with ultraviolet light, and this is how dogs see the “messages” from other animals.

3. Different layers in the paintings

Dogs are not exactly given to art, but it is now known that they can see what the artist has hidden in his works. Humans have to take an x-ray of a painting to find what’s hidden behind its layers, while dogs can see through it without any technological aid. So don’t be surprised if your four-legged friend’s opinion of the paintings doesn’t coincide with his, maybe the two of you see completely different images, even if you both admire the same work of art together.

4. Flowers

Flowers are beautiful in their own right, but ultraviolet light has been found to reveal a completely different facet of their beauty. Through a dog’s eyes, even an ordinary daisy can look like a cosmic plant. Thanks to Craig P. Burrows, who photographed under intense UV light, we can see the flowers we are familiar with looking, to say the least, unusual.

5. Fake money

The dog sees fake bills, but unfortunately he can’t say anything, as he doesn’t understand the value of such paper “notes”. But in case you go overboard with teeth whitening, don’t disregard that your pet is surprised to see your fluorescent teeth and start treating him with suspicion.

6. Quinine

Surely you have noticed that sometimes the animal reacts very strangely to food or drink. This is because some substances, such as quinine, have the ability to emit light, which makes these products very strange for dogs.

7. Night sky

Unfortunately, city dwellers are rarely able to contemplate the starry sky in all its splendor, but dogs, even at night, are able to see objects in space much better than humans. So if your dog is fascinated by watching the sky, don’t stop him: he’s admiring the beauty of the cosmos.

8. Magnetic field

Scientists claim that their four-legged friend can not only sense the Earth’s magnetic field, but also see it. Thanks to this quality, dogs become “walking compasses” that determine the cardinal points and can find their way back home.

9. Night vision

The color palette is smaller in dogs than in humans, but they have much more developed night vision, so they need less light to clearly see objects in the dark and orient themselves.

Of course, we’ve known for a long time that the view of animals is significantly different from ours, but we never thought that the everyday world for another being was much more unusual and even fabulous. Now that we know, which abilities of your four-legged friends catch your eye that you would like to have? Share them in the comments.

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