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Why do I feel “dead inside”?

Feeling dead inside results from a period of change or poor emotional management, although it can also hide a psychological disorder.

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

When someone says “I feel dead inside,” they are actually asking for help. and tries to convey that he lost motivation, enthusiasm, and the ability to experience pleasure or interest on a daily basis.

In these cases, life becomes a routine succession of moments without apparent purpose; That spark of wanting to improve, which mobilizes us all, goes out inside. What happen? How can this situation be improved?

It would not be correct to immediately assume that the person suffers from some psychological disorder; there are several variables to consider. It is important to understand that moods fluctuate and it is not natural to always be happy or on the emotional peak. Nevertheless, remaining in that state of apathy for a long time can be pathological and it is advisable to seek support. See why.

I feel “dead inside”: signs that reflect this state

This experience of inner emptiness can be different for each person. There are those who experience it in a way that is more similar to deep sadness, others experience emotions similar to anguish, and there are also those who seem to feel nothing.

In any case, the following are some signs that can help you identify if you are in this state.

You think you have no purpose or goal. You find yourself stuck and directionless.Life seems empty and meaningless to you. Often, you wonder why you are here and can’t find any convincing answer.You seem to be separated from yourself. At some point, you realize that you don’t know or understand yourself; You don’t know what you want or need.You lost motivation and the ability to experience pleasure. Nothing generates interest in you, not even those activities that you previously liked or enjoyed.You feel deeply alone and disconnected from others. Even if you are surrounded by people, you cannot establish deep and meaningful bonds. In short, you do not feel understood or supported in your relationships; Nor do you connect with the experiences and experiences of others.You cannot experience emotions or connect with them. You feel dull on an emotional level and this emotional numbness prevents you from feeling joy, sadness, anger or joy about the events in your life. For this reason, it is difficult for you to express your emotions, verbalize them and share them.

Why do I feel “dead inside”?

There are many situations, pathological or not, that lead a person to feel “dead inside” for a more or less prolonged time. The most common ones are detailed below.

Deep sadness and anguish are associated with the feeling of being “dead inside.”

You have suffered a severe emotional blow

It is common that, after going through a painful and shocking experience, feelings seem to freeze. Thus, If you are grieving, you may feel like you are “dead inside.”. Remember that grief comes from the loss of a loved one, but also from a job layoff, the end of a friendship or a change of stage in your life, for example.

This emptiness and dullness It is common, especially when delayed grief occurs; one in which the person does not react immediately to the event, represses their emotions and “freezes” the suffering for later.

You don’t know how to manage your emotions

Maybe That feeling of emotional disconnection is a mechanism used unconsciously to avoid pain. In fact, among the main coping strategies that people use, this focuses on suppressing, denying or avoiding the painful and uncomfortable emotion that they do not know how to deal with.

According to a study published in Psychotherapy Magazine, The above represents a risk factor for experiencing complicated grief.

You lack social support

Social isolation is not just a consequence of apathy, it can also be the cause. Keep in mind that, as social beings, people need others to share experiences, receive support and create a sense of belonging.

Lacking meaningful ties and the loneliness that this entails, according to a work published in the Harvard review of psychiatry, is one of the main components of the feeling of emptiness.

You are facing an existential crisis

An existential crisis is a period of internal questioning about the meaning of one’s life. Faced with so many unanswered questions, you can settle a feeling of passivity, apathy and hopelessness. These crises are more common in certain stages of life (such as adolescence) and generate a negative perspective of ourselves, others and the future.

You experience dissociation

Dissociation involves a disconnection between a person’s mind and their present reality; This may lead her to feel strange and detached from the world around her.

Furthermore, as stated in an article shared on Clinic and Healthsuch a feeling of detachment can be transient and everyday (triggered by a stressful event) or become chronic and transformed into a rigid and persistent response pattern that leads to a disorder.

You suffer emotional dullness

On the other hand, if I feel “dead inside” I am likely to experience a phenomenon known as affective dullness. This consists of a indifference or lack of reaction to events that should trigger an emotional response. And it may arise as an isolated symptom or as part of a more complex condition such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In fact, as stated in an article published in the European Journal of Psychotraumatology, “feeling dead inside” is one of the experiences most reported by those who suffer from PTSD.

You suffer from a psychological disorder

Beyond trauma-related disorders, the deep feeling of emptiness is also associated with other conditions. According to the aforementioned Harvard review of psychiatry article, can appear in the context of depression or other affective disorders, in schizophrenia or narcissistic personality disorder.

Likewise, chronic feelings of emptiness They are one of the most common and characteristic experiences within borderline personality disorder.. It is even one of the diagnostic criteria that make up the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).

When the feeling of emptiness is long-lasting and affects daily life, it is pertinent to ask for help.

I feel “dead inside”: how to deal with it?

The steps to overcome this state depend largely on its causes. In general, the following are some helpful suggestions:

Review your most relevant life experiences. In them you can find the root of that feeling of emptiness and disconnection; applies tools like the line of life.Try to reconnect with your emotions. This may feel uncomfortable to you, but feeling is the only way to release the pent-up emotional charge. Methods such as therapeutic writing help.give yourself time. When you are grieving, recovering from a difficult event, or experiencing a major change, you need time to readjust. Allow yourself to feel and don’t force yourself to experience happiness if you don’t experience it that way.Analyze what your coping strategies are. That is, what ways or resources you use to face difficult or stressful situations. If you tend to repress or suppress pain, consider starting to try other techniques.Create support networks. It is true that when demotivation sets in, it is difficult to approach others to coexist; But sharing time and experiences with other people can give you the incentive and reinforcement you need to get out of that state.Practice behavioral activation. This is a technique widely used in the treatment of depression; It consists of engaging in activities that provide pleasure or reinforcement. It will be necessary to make an extra effort to program and comply with these dynamics (which at the moment are not attractive), until you begin to activate yourself.

If I feel “dead inside,” it’s time to seek help

If that inner feeling of apathy, disconnection or hopelessness is intense or lasting, or if it interferes with your daily life, it is important to seek professional support. As mentioned, There may be an underlying psychological disorder that requires appropriate intervention and worsens if not addressed.

Plus, if you’re going through a tough time, it can be difficult to get through it on your own. A psychologist or therapist will help you understand what is happening and can provide you with the guidelines and tools to move forward.

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