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Why am I so sleepy: diseases that cause tiredness and sleepiness

In general, we need sleep between 7 and 9 hours so that our body and mind repair themselves and can function properly. However, there are people who, even sleeping the hours they need, wake up tired and feel sleepy throughout the day. It is logical that they wonder, why am i so sleepy?

If you go to bed late or, for whatever reason, sleep less hours than you need, it is normal for you to be tired or sleepy the next day. But being extremely tired and sleepy during the day can also be sign of a health problem.

If you simply suffer from tiredness in spring, this guided meditation helps you recover energy:

Guided meditation to recover energy if you suffer from spring asthenia

Why am I so sleepy? sleep disorders

Behind a tiredness or a excessive sleepiness during the day There may be some disorders that interrupt sleep and alter its quality, such as:

Sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by repeated interruptions of breathing during sleep that can last from a few seconds to more than a minute. It is often accompanied by other symptoms such as snoring, choking during sleep, headaches in the morning and difficulty concentrating. Often, the person who suffers from apnea does not know it and it is those who sleep next to them who realize it.

The narcolepsy It is a chronic disease that affects the brain’s ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden, uncontrollable bouts of sleep during the day and sleep interruptions at night. It can cause other symptoms like cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone), sleep paralysis (inability to move or speak when falling asleep or waking up) and vivid dream-like hallucinations. Restless legs syndrome causes a irresistible urge to move your legsoften accompanied by tingling or pain. The symptoms usually occur or are worse at night and can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Its causes are unknown, but it is believed that it could be related to a dysfunction in the part of the brain that controls movement.

Other illnesses that can cause tiredness or sleepiness

There are other diseases that apparently have nothing to do with sleep, but can cause excessive tiredness or sleepiness during the day. For example:


The anemia occurs when the body you do not have enough healthy red blood cells to transport the necessary oxygen to the tissues of the body so that they function properly. It can cause symptoms like fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, or paleness on the skin. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiencybut it can also occur due to a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

Chronic pain

The diseases that cause chronic painsuch as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome, can cause fatigue and sleep disturbances.

The fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue and tenderness at trigger points. It can also cause sleep disordersheadaches, digestive problems and cognitive difficulties, such as memory and concentration problems.

He Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis is a complex disorder that causes a tiredness that does not go away, even if the person rests. Other symptoms of this disease are muscle and joint painheadache, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, sore throat, or tender lymph nodes.

poorly controlled diabetes

In the diabetes, the body cannot properly use and store glucose (sugar), leading to high blood sugar levels. When our cells don’t get enough sugar for energy, there may be feeling of fatigue and lethargy.

Also, some people with diabetes need frequent urination at night (something known as nocturia), which causes the sleep is interrupted.

thyroid problems

The thyroid is a small gland located in the neck that produces hormones that control various functions in our body, including regulation of metabolism and energy production. There are two kinds of thyroid problems: he hypothyroidismin which the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone, and the hyperthyroidism, in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. He tiredness and daytime sleepiness are common symptoms of both disorders.

Mononucleosis (kissing disease)

The mononucleosis is a viral infection caused by the Epstein–Barr virus. It is a fairly common disease, especially among young people and adolescents, although it can occur at any age. It is spread through direct contact with the saliva of an infected person, for example by sharing a glass or kissing (hence the name).

In addition to tiredness and drowsiness, it can cause sore throat, swollen lymph nodesfever, headache and muscle aches.

Depression and anxiety

Mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety can affect mood, thoughts, and behavior and cause fatigue and sleepiness.

The depression it is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness and loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It affects the body’s levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which play important roles in regulating sleep, mood, and energy levels. Besides, can interfere with sleep quality and consequently cause excessive daytime sleepiness. anxiety there is a excessive worry or fear by everyday situations and stress. When the body experiences stress, it releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can interfere with sleep. Additionally, people with anxiety may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to racing thoughts or worries.

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