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Whoever has friends has fits of laughter

Whoever has friends has fits of laughter, unexpected and explosive, the kind that attract attention, that make our cheeks blush and bring tears to our eyes while the annoying daily sadnesses of the heart immediately cauterize us.

Friendship usually has many side effects, but one of them, the most cathartic, is undoubtedly the pleasure of laughing. in company. In fact, it is curious to know that on the scale of emotional relief, just as crying will always be much better than silent crying, laughter is also more beneficial than a simple laugh.

I like those friends with whom I can share crazy things, coffee afternoons and fits of laughter. I like them because they arrived by chance, almost without knowing how to become my real family.

In reality, there is no more pleasant pain than that which settles in our stomach produced by so many shared fits of laughter. Because that feeling is a reflection of social cohesion and well-being, and because friendship is also a way of recycling tears and disappointments to allow laughter to rise as an authentic architect of wisdom.

Laughter attacks that soften adversity

The most admirable humor is the one that arises from adversity and that in turn we have the pleasure of sharing with people who are significant to us. In the case of women, friendship is undoubtedly the best daily support through which to promote relief and emotional catharsis.

In fact, according to a study published in the magazine “Psychology Today”, it is known that friendship between men is more instrumental and less emotional and although the bond may be just as close and significant, it does not reach that depth that is so complicit, so intimate and intuitive, where it can provide authentic moral support.

In difficult times, It is common that among the group of friends a sudden comment ends up appearing that gives spark to the gloom and that also makes your thoughts fly to remove tension. Soon, someone takes a step further, a leap towards the ironic, towards the absurd, to provoke that in the second, they appear, the authentic healers of the soul, the authentic pills for everyday sorrows: the fits of laughter.

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Laughter, brain glue

Laughter may seem trivial to us, at times ephemeral, then chaotic, explosive or without much meaning, however, it acts as a real “glue” for brains. It always hides some meaning and rarely does an emotion have as high an impact and social significance as laughter.

Greg Bryant, a professor at the University of California (UCLA), conducted a curious study where he was able to demonstrate that It is enough to listen for a few seconds to the type of laughter that is shared between two people, to deduce whether they are a couple, friends and what the quality of that friendship is. This work carried out in various countries and cultures, in turn demonstrated something that anthropologists already knew.

Laughter is part of our evolutionary development and is also an instinctive mechanism that favors cooperation between human beings. Our brain reminds us that social alliances are good, that they are necessary to survive, hence laughter acts as an emotional magnet. prodigious. If we are also able to attend to its intensity, its musicality or cadence, we will deduce what phase that relationship is in.

Now, the bursts of laughter and those fits of laughter seasoned by the most intimate complicity of two glances that are read and felt from the heart, season the authentic potion to build the most lasting friendships. They are those bonds that lift us up from the ground, that sugar to digest the bitterness of the day and that masterful formula to convince us that the world will always continue to be worth it as long as exceptional people exist.

Laughter attacks, therefore, help us survive and unite us with each other. and that is something that pleases the brain and that is why, once again, it rewards us with endorphins to help us calm stress and relieve the labyrinth of our tensions and the abyss of our fears.

Now, as we pointed out at the beginning, simple smiles do not heal, nor do tears that are contained or concealed heal. What heals is crying and what gladdens the heart is the loudest laugh.

Just as a curiosity, and to finish, we will leave you with a short text that Richard Wiseman, British psychologist and researcher of the “Laughlab project”, used to use in his tests to assess the sense of humor of its participants. As he passed these lines on, he reminded his participants of something essential that we should never forget. The best time to laugh is always now.

“Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are going camping. They set up their tent under the stars and go to sleep. At one point during the night, Holmes wakes up his friend Watson and tells him:

–Watson, look at the stars and tell me what you are seeing.
–I see millions and millions of stars –Watson answers.
–Excellent. And what do you deduce from that? –Holmes asks.
–If there are millions of stars and only a few have planets, it is very possible that there are planets like Earth out there. And if there are some planets like Earth, it is also possible that there is life.
Watson, don’t be an idiot –replies Holmes–. “It means that our store has been robbed.”

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