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When you stop waiting your life changes

People often get stuck in those anterooms where nothing happens. We wait, we wait for things to happen. However, when we stop waiting it happens: life changes and runs in our favor.

I like to act in a simple way in life, in my life. One of my daily tasks for a few days now is to pretend free my conscience from my illusions or eternal promises and what their feeling and existence in my life can generate. I have already realized that only when you stop waiting, life changes.

I realized that I used a large amount of energy when it came to “see me” in the future situation he wanted. I focused too much on tomorrow. I then made the decision to stop living waiting and not expect something from myself.

As soon as you make this decision, your heart breathes a sigh of relief and your soul begins to truly live. In general, We focus on how we have to live, without realizing that only because of that we condition ourselves and we do not actually live.. What we actually achieve is we imprison our soul and robotize it.

Albert Ellisa well-known cognitive psychotherapist, reminded us in his book “You can be happy” that each of us are mediators of our emotional destiny. Therefore, it is necessary that we take control of our thoughts and personal focus. Stopping waiting to act is an act of personal responsibility.

“The past has fled, what you hope for is absent, but the present is yours.”

-Arab proverb-

Stop expecting something from others

I decided therefore to stop expecting something from others. Well, for the people around you to value you, for your partner to understand you, for you to understand yourself and for others to trust in you, in your potential and in your know-how… it is not always an easy task. I learned that the most important thing is that I believe in myself and that If I do something it is not to expect anything in return, but because I really feel like it.

Don’t wait for money in your daily life

Before, I focused on large amounts of money as a result of great job opportunities that I was looking forward to. I realized that the more I longed for material things, the less life granted it to me. and even less advanced towards that state. So I willingly accepted what I already had and that I didn’t need more to feel good about myself or be happy.

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I realized that I was not enjoying or savoring what I had at that moment, because the only thing I focused on was the future, when I had more and earned more… I was really losing the most important time, the present moment.

Thus, as revealed in a study by Stanford University, What really makes us happy is not money, but time. The moments we enjoy carrying out activities that satisfy us alone or with significant people.

Stop expecting everything to be perfect

Why wait for everything to be perfect? Actually, Thinking like this I realized that I was not feeling my true inner peace. The one that all of us have lodged in our soul and heart by birth. Our essence and gift as human beings, unique and extraordinary.

When you stop expecting everything to be perfect, you stop depending on the environment to bring your true power to light, serenity and your inner balance. What nothing and no one can ever alter… Perfection does not exist, I got tired of going in search of it.

My life changes when I stop trying to be perfect or for everything to be perfect, and I start accepting things as they are.

Don’t think about tomorrow

Tomorrow is sometimes a future where fear and uncertainty live. We all have plans, great expectations. Thus, the idea of ​​not achieving those goals, of encountering more difficulties than expected, often generates great discomfort and anxiety.

Studies such as the one carried out by psychologists Floris P. de Lange and Peter Kok tell us that Expectations shape our perception and even our motivation to achieve.

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People are always waiting for something and we place ideas on that horizon that do not always benefit us. Let’s be calm, life changes when we least expect it, so let’s trust in ourselves and overcome any difficulty.

I no longer wait, now I let myself be surprised

Do you know the funniest thing? I have discovered that long waits no longer suit me, that they no longer bring me benefits or happiness. I realised that When I stopped thinking about everything I wanted to happen, exceptional responses and ideas began to happen. that allowed me to achieve things in a simpler and more enjoyable way.

I became extremely physically and emotionally tired when I became obsessed with certain things happening. It was like preparing for a marathon that disappointed me and took away a piece of my life. And it is paradoxical: What I wanted most was taken part of my vital energy during the process to obtain it. Incongruous, don’t you think?

After squaring all the previous points in my mind, and coming to terms with it about what my soul needed and heart longed for, my life began to fill with new gifts that came of their own accord. I began to appreciate what I didn’t appreciate before. what life was giving me, by continually searching for the answer to the question “how to achieve it?”

And now, to finish, is when I tell you the secret that It all boils down to the fact that I decided to stop controlling my life and focus on finding out how things were going to happen.. That everything that happens at the rate that it happens is because it has its own time, unalterable and simple. That’s when we can appreciate how to feel life and how to flow without expecting anything, just living and truly being yourself.

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Life changes when you stop waiting. Life changes when you allow yourself to be and begin to accept.

“Trust time, which usually gives sweet solutions to many bitter difficulties.”

-Miguel de Cervantes-

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

De Lange, F.P., Heilbron, M., and Kok, P. (2018, September 1). How do our expectations shape perception and our ability to achieve? Trends in cognitive sciences. Elsevier Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2018.06.002

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