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What to do when work is bad?

We all perform some activity as adults, and normally the choice of profession is made very early, and we do not always get the chosen role right.

From a very young age, we tend to imagine what would be the most suitable profession, which fills our imagination with dreams. Pediatrics for girls, Formula One runners for boys, but over the years, we are changing our focus and discovering a world where we have several options. Sometimes we manage to focus and work on what we believe to be something cool, at other times, we make wrong choices, which do not bring satisfaction, causing a great stress internal, and often external.

Even when the choice is correct, we need to assess how much it can wear us out on a daily basis, which is an interesting point to reflect on. One work that requires a lot In addition to what would be appropriate, it causes a series of problems, from mental and physical fatigue, to how it can affect our relationship with people. It is essential to use caution in relation to this issue, because when we give blood to something, it has to be worth it. And is it really worth it?

I recently read in the book: Suzana’s Diary for Nicolas an interesting parable: Imagine that life is a game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are called work, family, health, friends and integrity. You are keeping all the balls in the air and one day you finally realize that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls – family, health, friends and integrity – are made of glass. If you drop one, it will get scratched, or chipped, or it will break permanently.

Being the rubber work ball, we know the importance of being happy, and the balance needed not to interfere with the other four balls.

Establishing time to go out at the end of the workday, maintaining good relationships with friends and boss, is essential to feel good, and to develop the work in a satisfactory way. Perform tasks that please you, as anything that is forced or unpleasant is also bad for you.

We are not always in the right place, or developing the work that pleasesbeing important to assess why we remain in this state, because even with the financial crisis knocking on our door, it is essential to be updated, looking for training courses, competitions, or in other cases, another job in another area.

Who has never lived or heard someone they know say that they are working beyond their limits, or facing difficulties that annoy and take away energy? This situation is very common. However, we know that we don’t always have options, being necessary to stay for a while where we work. In this case, it is important to think about the attitudes that could be taken, so that you do not expose yourself to unpleasant situations.

The simple fact of not being able to confront something that bothers you can generate some pathologies such as headaches, nausea, stress, gastric problems, among other diseases.

Psychotherapy can be an important ally in this process, helping you to identify the sources of dissatisfaction, strengthening you to make decisions that will change your life.

The information contained on this page is for informational purposes only. They do not replace the advice and follow-up of doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, physical education professionals and other specialists.

Luciana Kotaka

Psychologist and specialist in Eating Disorders has been working for over 14 years. She is a reference in this area for carrying out activities focused on treatments that involve the direct relationship between weight disorder and psychology. CRP: 08/06502-1

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