Below are the 17 best ways to tell if a guy is jealous.
You will agree with me if I say that a little jealousy makes us all feel good. For some reason we associate this with the fact that the other person cares about us and it gives us that pleasant taste. But other times it can become unpleasant, frustrating, and you really want it to end.
Sometimes interpreting a man’s emotions can be quite difficult.
Many are not used to showing their true feelings. Additionally, women can often be confused with other things.
But this alone is not a decisive factor in ending a relationship.
Although there are some types of jealousy that can become so overwhelming, to the point of not wanting to date a guy anymore.
Before taking any course of action, you should first find out if he is really jealous or not.
In many cases, men try to hide it or disguise it as something else.
Then you need to understand the reasons for his jealousy.
From there you will see if it is something that can be solved or not and if it is worth your time and effort.
The continuity of their relationship will depend on all this.
These signals to detect if he is jealous are based on research on what experts say.
Including some contributions from my personal experience.
The 17 Best Ways To Tell If A Guy Is Jealous
1) Begins to behave unusually
When a man feels insecure and jealous, it is typical for him to start acting strange.
For example, he may stop paying attention to you and not spend as much time for you.
He does this because he wants you to feel that something is wrong and go after him.
He probably didn’t like something you did and is engaging in this behavior to get your attention.
He also wants you to show your interest, to show that you care and care about him.
This shows that he is not mature enough to be direct about how he feels or to communicate openly with you.
Most men don’t think about relationships logically. At least not in the way that women do.
There is a very interesting concept in male psychology called the hero instinct. This theory, created by James Bauer, a renowned relationship expert, explains what any man needs to feel in order to commit to a woman and never doubt her again.
One of the things that matters most to men is how the relationship makes them feel. Here is the access to an excellent video in English that explains this new concept in detail.
Most men have a strong competitive instinct. This means that men want to feel like they have won the game of love. That they are the ones who can offer you what no other man can.
If you want to know how to make your man feel that he is the one above anyone else and that you just want to be with him, you should learn more about the hero instinct. Here you have access to the video in English once again.
This will make her feel really special to you and stop her nonsense.
2) He gets cranky when you talk about someone else
You have to pay attention to facial expressions, tone of voice and attitude when talking about other people.
Especially with a man.
If he frowns, crosses his arms, and looks awkward, he’s showing signs of jealousy.
Body signals do not fail, because it is something that cannot be easily controlled.
These are the ones that give us away the most, since they are unconscious.
Pay attention to it.
3) It goes crazy, if you can have fun without it
Feeling the absence of the person you love is normal.
Even feeling a bit jealous when you go to a party alone is natural.
But healthy jealousy will cause him to comment on his shame at not being with you at the party.
If your partner simply doesn’t accept that you have a life beyond the relationship, this is not healthy.
For example, if he freaks out just knowing you can have fun without him, it shows that he’s controlling and deeply insecure.
4) It often appears by surprise where you are
If you are wondering how to tell if a guy is jealous, ask yourself what he was like before the relationship.
Before I met you, or before the relationship began, you had an independent life.
That should still be the case to some degree, even if you’re married!
If it often appears by surprise in the places where you are, he is probably insecure and possessive.
Typically, men do this to gain control over their partners and also to make sure they are not cheating on them.
If your partner does this, it’s a bad sign.
A healthy relationship requires trust.
5) He doesn’t like it when people compliment you
A confident and emotionally healthy man may feel a bit jealous if they say that his girl is the most beautiful woman in the world.
But he will be proud to be with the girl who impressed everyone like that!
The opposite is the jealous man who gets annoyed by any compliment that doesn’t come from him.
If your boyfriend or husband can’t stand the fact that other people look up to you, then stay alert.
You probably have a serious jealousy problem.
6) He doesn’t like your friends
People often meet through friends, but it’s normal that they don’t always agree with everyone.
The question is, if he doesn’t like any of your friends, is the problem with them or is it with your partner?
He complains that you pay too much attention to your friends.
You say mean things about your friends and try to distance yourself from everyone around you.
Again, possessive and controlling alert.
This is very harmful behavior and usually the story does not end well.
I have a friend who was completely isolated by an ex-boyfriend.
He answered calls for her at home and always said that she was busy.
He never left her alone and controlled everything about her life.
He then started hitting her. And shortly after, I saw him seduce another girl at a party.
Nobody wants to be in this kind of situation. If something similar is happening to you, you need to get out fast and contact the authorities.
7) Lives to stalk you
Social networks are a reality of daily life from which it is very difficult to escape.
It is normal for your guy to get a little jealous, if someone likes and comments a lot of your posts, and vice versa.
But this is completely different than someone complaining about any comment made and any likes.
That hovers over any online presence you have, like a rapacious hawk.
It will even lurk around all the reviews you post. She’ll even ask why you raved about a new vacuum cleaner on Amazon so much.
This level of jealousy is insane and is a situation that no one deserves to be in.
Stay away from this person for your own good.
8) He texts you constantly when he’s not with you
The jealous and possessive man wants details what you are doing all the time. Especially if he’s not with you.
You can’t go to the mall with your sister or buy a gift for your mom without him calling you every 5 seconds to get a detailed update on what you’re up to and why.
You have a real problem on your hands.
This man is jealous and insecure to the point of not being able to.
He doesn’t trust you.
Trust is essential in a relationship, otherwise it will never end well.
9) Makes fun of things you like
This old world would be a much better place
If we had all accepted the fact
That people are different.”
It says a song by the band Georgina Florida.
He likes to skate or ride a motorcycle.
You like dancing more and meeting with your friends. There is nothing wrong with this!
In a couple there will always be different tastes and you have to respect them.
One of the signs of an insecure and jealous guy is when he puts you down and insults what you love on a regular basis.
This it does, because you share it with other people.
I could tell you that you look like a zombie when you dance or that you are an old lady from reading so much with your friends.
He is invalidating your passions and making fun of what you love, because he is jealous that you enjoy your friendships.
When there is no respect, love cannot grow.
10) Destroy your self-esteem
This is related to the last point, but it applies in every way you can think of.
One of my friends is a beautiful and very intelligent girl, who got involved with an insecure and possessive boy.
He said that he wanted to take care of her, that she was beautiful and special, and so on… and then he destroyed her!
He recognized her physical beauty, but used it to insult her intelligence.
He said that a sexy woman like her should not “waste” time in her studies and work.
Her beautiful appearance was proof that she was not cut out for academic and professional pursuits.
He said that she was too much of a perfectionist and too focused on external achievements.
He wanted her to be ignorant so he could handle her.
These comments of his hurt her self-esteem a lot, because she was in love with him.
Pay attention to the fact that he never directly said that she was stupid or dumb.
He just kept hinting that her beauty meant she wasn’t suited for intellectual things and should “know her place.”
If a man loves and respects you in a healthy way, he will never humiliate you or destroy your self-esteem!
He was also trying to manipulate her, into believing that she was worthless and that only he would have a relationship with her.
11) He wants to know and control your private information
Remember the ATM warning. Your PIN number is private, keep it confidential and do not share it with others.
In a healthy relationship, it is important to trust each other.
But something very different is, when he starts demanding to know the password of your phone, your social networks and other private information.
This is a clear warning sign that this man is a jealous and controlling individual.
When you’ve told him no once or twice, he should accept it.
If he doesn’t and continues to demand access, then you need to get out of his way.
If you accept that he invades your privacy, he is putting you under his control.
You will be putting yourself in the shadow of his toxic jealousy and suspicion.
Don’t accept this kind of situation!
12) Wants to make you jealous
One of the best ways to tell if a guy is jealous is to see if he is trying to make you feel jealous of him.
He can make sure you see him chatting with other girls, comment on how pretty other women are, etc.
Does he do this especially when you talk to other guys?
Then you can be sure that it is jealousy and possessiveness rearing its head.
This behavior is not normal and no man should play with your emotions in this way.
13) His shadow only leaves you when the light goes out
It may seem romantic for a man to accompany you everywhere, but there is a limit to everything.
You must understand this, if you do not want to be controlled by a man.
If his shadow only leaves you when the lights go out, then he’s more of a stalker than you…