Jaime Alves (/)
Are you from the class that doesn’t give up high heels? We list 5 things that happen to the body when we retire the habit for a few hours – or even days! Small changes can be very positive:
1. Your calf muscles get longer
A study published in The Journal of Applied Physiology, in the United States, reveals that people who wear heels frequently have shorter calf muscles. This happens because the heel spends a lot of time elevated and rarely elongates to its natural length. When you leave the habit aside, you can bet on the combo: stretching + rolling foam (from pilates) + walking in flip-flops or flats. This will help your calves get back to normal. Then they will look longer.
2. Your spine will thank you
High heels make the butt look amazing for one reason: it tilts the pelvis, forcing the derrièr backwards. This increases pressure on the lower back, causing pain and, over time, developing other ailments. Therefore, the faster you take off the jump, the less pressure your spine will suffer.
3. Your heel may feel withdrawal and hurt a little
Your tendons and muscles are used to the daily strain. When you go without for some time, some heel pain can arise. But rest assured! After a few days, the discomfort disappears and your heels will thank you!
4. Your knee pain can go away (miraculously!)
With the use of jumping, your body’s center of gravity changes. That puts extra strain on the tendons and ligaments in your knees. That is, the solution to your knee problems may not be to stop running, but to avoid jumping.
5. Your balance also improves
A study of South Korean flight attendants found that wearing heels over the years reduces the strength between ankle muscles, which leads to instability and imbalance.
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