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The meaning that society has given to the color pink has changed over the years. Today we want to dedicate an article to this beautiful color, from psychology.
The meaning of the color pink is emotional, as it brings to mind feelings such as sweetness, affection and tenderness in their purest form. Additionally, for many it is the symbol of romantic love and happiness.
Although it is associated with femininity in the Western world, the truth is that this conception is recent.. Until just over 100 years ago, red was the masculine color par excellence, bellicose and strong, which transformed into pink when the fabrics faded. It wasn’t until the 70s when it became associated with women.
In this article you can discover more interesting facts about this shade. Colors have the power to evoke emotions, both positive and negative, and their study is exciting.
Characteristics of pink color
Pink is a color that can be described as a light red, that is, red mixed with white in the case of pigments. Its name, as you will guess, comes from the flower of the same name and began to be used in Spanish in the 13th century. This word has its original Proto-Indo-European root, wrdho–, which means “thorn.”
Scientists seem to agree that pink is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum, since nothing emits pink light or reflects a corresponding wavelength. When our brain creates this hue in our vision, it is actually a mixture of 2 opposite colors on the spectrum: red and violet.
The meaning of the color pink
As you could read in the introduction, the color pink was closely associated with masculinity until the 70s, when it began to be associated with softness of character and motherhood. It is also a color whose preference changes with age, since, being a youthful color, it seems that older people find it useful to be connected with this stage.
It is usually a color that evokes positive feelings related to tenderness, delicacy, childishness and, in the adult sphere, romantic love, without sexual overtones. However, depending on the clarity of the pink it can have different connotations:
light pink: as the color gets closer to white it is more related to innocence and childishness.dark Rose: at this point, the shade is closer to violet, which hints at touches of eroticism and sensuality.
This color also has a negative connotation in terms of the softness and innocence it transmits, since Some people associate it with cheesy, baroque and saccharine.. Those who do not like this color usually refer to this specific facet to justify it.
Uses of the color pink
Colors have an effect on the mind that is not always conscious, a fact that the marketing Take full advantage to improve sales. In neuromarketing, the meaning of the color pink is oriented towards softness, affection, motherhood and beauty..
Products associated with personal hygiene, as well as those related to babies, are usually presented in pink colors.
The color pink induces calm, combats stress and reduces aggression. This is why it is used in hospitals, in offices where creative work is carried out and even in prisons. However, given the association it has with gender roles, it can create rejection in certain sectors of the population.
Pink in different cultures
The meaning of the color pink varies depending on the region where you may be. Factors such as the culture, history of the town or the fauna and flora of the region itself can influence the symbolism of colors, as you can see below:
Catholicism: represents joy and is used in masses on the fourth Sunday of Lent.Japan: Pink is associated with the erotic and the intimate. It is also the color of spring, as it is when the cherry trees bloom.feng shui: It is linked to a more stable and lasting love, as well as emotional family ties and marriage.Buddhism: The pink lotus flower represents the earthly symbol of Buddha. It is related to the purity of the soul and the path to liberation from materialism.Hinduism: For Hindus, pink is reserved for great divinities. Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, sits on a pink lotus flower.Southeast Europe: In countries such as Albania, Greece, Turkey and Iran, pink is associated with protection and healing.
The blue-pink dichotomy as a representation of masculinity and femininity is strongly rooted in the West. However, the advancement of collective thinking has made this color increasingly common in products intended for men, such as clothing.
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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Clarke, T. and Costall, A. (2008). The Emotional Connotations of Color: A Qualitative Investigation. Color Research and applications, 33(5): 406-410.Heller, E. (2004). Color psychology. How colors act on feelings and reason. Gustavo Gili Editorial: Spain.Koller, V. (2008). ‘Not just a colour’: pink as a gender and sexuality marker in visual communication. Visual communication, 7(4): 395-423.