If you feel attracted to meditation and its benefits but you don’t know very well how to start practicing it, this article and this guided meditation for beginners are specially prepared for you.
What is meditation?
Meditation is a spiritual practice which has its origin in India and which has been embraced as a main practice in a large number of religions and spiritual works, being a path of access to the immaterial and the state of plenitude and non-suffering. Although its benefits are so broad that you don’t have to consider yourself a spiritual or religious person for meditation to have a wonderful effect on you and the way you face your day to day.
Meditation means observing, taking the position of witness to what is happening in the present moment, to be aware, to be aware. And from this awareness, accept everything that happens as it is. In other words, meditating consists of positioning ourselves in a constant yes to life as it comes, and as we feel it. And for that, hePresence in the present moment and acceptance of it are the keys.
What benefits does meditation have?
The benefits of meditation have been verified by countless people and they continue to be, both on a scientific level and on a personal level through direct experience and practice.
It has numerous mental, physical and spiritual benefits, some of the best known being reduction of stress, anxiety and depression, improvement of attention, increase of self-awareness and the ability to accept reality, and the connection with inner peace and truth.
What is the use of meditating?
Essentially, meditating serves to live life fully, freedom and well-being. And, on a spiritual level, to connect with your Deep Self, with the universal and unlimited consciousness that deep down we are beyond our physical body and our mind.
When we resist accepting life as it happens or when our attention is out of the present moment, we are creating resistance to the natural flow of our vital energy. This resistance creates suffering.
If you look at any situation in your life that causes you rejection and resistance, fear or anxiety, you will realize that there is no resistance without suffering. And this makes us live conditioned and that the spectrum of reality that we perceive is very limited.
Sitting and silent meditation is, in this sense, a training for life.
In the background, the true work of consciousness consists in bringing that meditative attitude of presence, Observation and acceptance of any situation that comes our way.
How to start meditating if you are a beginner
There are infinite ways to meditate and different types of meditation, although this one that I have prepared today mixes some of them so that you can have a general idea of what it is to meditate.
It is a guided meditation, so you just have to follow the instructions of my voice. If you are a beginner, I especially recommend that you support your meditation practice with guided meditations like this one that show you how to do it.
And I also recommend it to you because when we are not used to being alone and in silence observing our interior, we can feel especially restless, believe that this is not for us and want to give up. This is natural the mind is disturbed when it is discovered. That is the moment to remain, that’s where the interesting thing begins. I guide you
First of all, find a place to sit where you can spend this time just for yourself, without distractions.
You can sit with the legs crossed on the floor on one or more cushions. The idea of this pose is that you can keep your back straight and that you can be comfortable but not too comfortable, while maintaining a sense of alertness that helps you to be present. place your hands on your knees and close your eyes.Now Take a deep breath and on the exhale release your tensions. and internal noises, empty yourself and enter the space of internal silence. Simply rest your mind, let her rest in that space of silence. Give him permission to relax into it. Little by little you will notice how there are thoughts that want to intervene in this space of silence. Observe them simply without blocking them or getting attached to them, simply watching them pass like clouds in the sky. The 5 senses and breathing always occur in the present moment, so they can serve as an anchor to keep our attention in the here and now. Choose one of them and simply observe how it happens, bringing your attention to the bodily sensations that are produced through it. If your attention strays, nothing happens, it may happen often. As soon as you realize calmly bring your attention back to that sense you have chosen or to the breath keeping you present in it. Observe the sensations again without questioning, analyzing or reacting to them, simply keeping your attention on that point with openness. Little by little and when you feel it, you can open your eyes I invite you to observe the reality that surrounds you from this space of inner silence. Welcome back to your day.