Today I choose to take care of myself a little more, to take care of that inner garden that grows in me to be as not to fall into other people’s selfishness, so that my days have no more dark moments and life brings me suns of joy.
We all want to be happy, but in reality, we don’t always start on the right path: attending to us, listening to us, placing ourselves as protagonists in the theater of our lives and not behind a curtain where life only passes by and forgets to hug us.
You deserve to be happy, you deserve to touch the moon on dark nights and fly on whale-shaped clouds when you feel trapped, distressed. You are the love of your life and therefore, today and always you must choose to be the main actor of your existence.
No one should call you selfish for saying “no” when you need to., for seeking oxygen and freedom in moments of pressure, for cutting ties when people hurt you. No one has power over you except yourself, because we all come to this world alone and we leave in the same way… So, why not start being happy now and offering happiness?
Being happy is an adventure that should last a lifetime
Choosing to be happy is the first leap that will undoubtedly bring you closer to your goal, because whoever chooses decides;thoughts
The art of being happy begins with a simple choice: believing in yourself.
However, Being happy, in addition to being a wise choice, sometimes means having to prioritize and realize that perhaps we should put ourselves before some things and some situations. It sounds a bit radical, but in reality, it is about maintaining a “balance” between others and ourselves.
Surround yourself with people who give you light, not suffering.
As we have pointed out previously, the key is balance. One must be good above all with oneself, You must perceive that everything you do or stop doing conforms to your expectations, to your identity, to your essence. Try to adapt the environment in a way that benefits you. Living through adverse situations or putting up with negative people can help us grow, but we should not fall into masochism either.
There are people who make us lose that inner balancethey manipulate
Surround your life with authentic people who allow you to be yourself at all times.. Now, we know that throughout our existence we must relate to figures that do not always fit with who we are, with what we need.
In these cases, in these types of complex but “self-imposed” relationships, whether because they are family or co-workers, it is just about not giving them authority in your life. Limit the deal, Deactivate the influence on you of those who disturb you and, once again, prioritize yourself.
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Dear me, be yourself and get rid of everything that is not necessary
When was the last time you had a conversation with your authentic self? We should experience this inner journey more frequently, because moving away from it is distancing ourselves from ourselves and, with it, losing track of happiness. Buddhist teachers say we should be aware of our thoughts 24 hours a day. In this way, conversations with ourselves would not be every so often, but rather we would always be in contact with our authentic self.
Dear me, I know that you deserve to be treated better and it is something that I am going to do from now on, I will stop feeling sorry for yourself, telling you that you can’t or that you don’t deserve it… Dear me, today I am going to challenge you to be happy.
Actually, There are many devices with which we surround our self.. And be careful, because those “extra skins” that prevent you from breathing come from our environment but also from ourselves. Without realizing it, many layers of social and cultural conditioning surround our thoughts. Therefore, it is beneficial to sit down for a while to meditate every day, to access our authentic self. Getting rid of everything imposed and reaching our real identity will provide us with a unique experience.
Do not impose limits on yourself or let them impose limits on you
You have to be careful with those limiting attitudes “I’m not going to be able to”, “this is not for me”, “I’m going to fail”, or “it’s clear that happiness is never going to knock on my door”…If your thinking puts up walls and your attitude creates fortresses, you will never let in the winds of happiness. Be authentic, be yourselfattend to your inner self and release it.Also you have to be careful with external influences that act as authentic boycotters of our self-esteem. Couples who control, who limit, who veto spaces and personal growth…We cannot ignore the weight of many familiesof those authoritarian models of education, of fathers and mothers who build authentic bubbles preventing the maturation and freedom of their children…
Sometimes, to be happy you have to take an inner journey to heal many wounds and shortcomings from yesterday. Once the fears have been covered, satisfied and released, it is time to open our eyes and heart and believe in it, believe that we really deserve to be happy.
Don’t wait for good times to be happy: be happy and the good times will come by themselves.
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Images courtesy Abigail Dela, Pascal Campion, Devianart Jenny White