The postpartum belly is a subject that can worry some pregnant women, as physical changes also affect a woman’s self-esteem. In addition, the emotional is also shaken and dealing with the sagging of the belly and a different body than normal can harm the quality of life. See below what dermatologist Aline Somacal (CRM 25661 / RQE 18026) and gynecologist Karina Tafner (CRM-SP 118066) explained on the subject.
Top postpartum belly questions answered
Check below the most frequent questions about postpartum belly clarified by professionals:
1. Why does the belly turn black after giving birth?
Aline Somacal (AS): “this skin darkening appears during pregnancy, it is a normal finding and usually decreases gradually after childbirth”. This is a result of pregnancy hormones and in most pregnant women there is darkening of some areas of the skin such as the breasts, armpits, genital region and especially the linea nigra of the abdomen (a vertical line that crosses the entire abdomen, passing through the navel).
2. How is the uterus after childbirth?
Karina Tafner (KT): The uterus is a muscular organ that begins to decrease in size shortly after the baby is born. According to the gynecologist, “the contraction of the uterus is due to a reduction in the size of uterine muscle cells and contraction of blood vessels”.
3. How long does it take for the belly to return to normal after giving birth?
AS: “after about 6 weeks, the belly usually returns to normal”. However, it is worth remembering that this time varies for each woman! In addition, some changes may persist such as sagging skin, localized fat, diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle and stretch marks.
4. How long does it take for the belly to deflate after cesarean?
KT: Gynecology explained that the belly after cesarean also usually returns to normal after about 6 weeks, as all the cells in the body that “swollen” during pregnancy begin to release the extra fluid, which is eliminated through the urine, vaginal secretions and sweat.
Getting informed and knowing your own body is the best way to take care of your postpartum belly. Keep an eye out, but don’t compare yourself to other experiences!
What to do to get the belly back to normal after giving birth
Some habits can facilitate the process for the belly to return to normal. Here are some tips that will help you take care of your body:
Practice physical activities
The practice of physical exercises with the guidance of a professional during pregnancy and after childbirth can help the abdomen to recover the trophism of the muscles, in addition to improving the sagging of the skin. But no crash diets that can deprive your body and baby of essential calories and nutrients, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Dr. Karina stated that “mothers who exclusively breastfeed for more than 3 months tend to lose more weight than those who do not breastfeed.”
Respect your body’s time
According to Aline, “the darkening of the skin of the linea nigra of the abdomen is normal, physiological and tends to regress over the weeks after delivery”. So, give it time! If there is no regression, consult a dermatologist to assist with treatment with the use of whitening creams or procedures such as peels and lasers.
The use of shaping belts
According to gynecologist Karina, straps can be useful to help support the abdomen in the first days postpartum, but they do not help to reduce the belly as many believe. Using an abdominal strap or belt after childbirth is very common, but only use it if it’s comfortable, it’s not mandatory.
Take care of skin hydration
Dermatologist Aline said that the old and classic tip of using almond oil has no scientifically proven benefit and is not usually recommended by professionals. In addition, she recommended using a good moisturizer on the skin, as it is enough!
Consume good amounts of water
Remember to drink plenty of water, as this can help eliminate fluid retention. Also, for moms who are breastfeeding, this tip is even more important. Take care!
look for a professional
Throughout pregnancy, professional follow-up is very important and during the puerperium it is no different! For an individual treatment, ask your gynecologist and seek a dermatologist to invest in skin care. Information will be your best friend right now!
Following professional guidelines, you can’t go wrong, your belly will return to normal in a healthy and natural way!
abdominal diastasis
According to gynecologist Karina “diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscle is a condition in which these muscles are pulled apart and separated by an abnormal distance between them, causing a bulge of the abdominal contents.” Diastasis can be congenital, but is most commonly acquired during pregnancy and when there is excessive weight gain.
The gynecologist said that the symptoms include abdominal pain and discomfort, musculoskeletal and urogynecological problems, in addition to negative body image and compromised quality of life. If it is a symptomatic diastasis, treatment consists of physiotherapy, but in more cases surgery may be considered.
The best sagging creams to help you with skin care
Below are some suggestions for products that can be useful for maintaining your belly:
- Nivea Firming Cream – $: affordable product that has a firming action and is very moisturizing. In addition, it is ideal for dry skin;
- Hydramais Anti-Stretch Cream – $$: this cream stimulates collagen biosynthesis in the dermis and has a firming effect. It has a great cost-benefit and is ideal for those who want to prevent and soften stretch marks;
- Hydramais Massage Cream – $$: It has a firming and moisturizing effect that helps in the natural production of collagen in the skin. It also has an affordable price, great for those who don’t want to spend a lot;
- Be Belle Body Firming Cream – $$$: with an intermediate price range, the product promotes firmness, hydration, toning and skin tightening. In addition, the brand promises that the results appear logos in the first applications;
- Clarins Lift Fermete body firming cream – $$$$: it is suitable for all skin types and improves tone by hydrating the dermis very well. Despite the higher cost, in the long run the product can be very cost-effective;
Mom, respect your individuality and take care of your body with affection. And remember: the perfect postpartum belly is the one that carried your baby for many months, regardless of how it is! Enjoy and read about postpartum panties for a more peaceful phase!