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The ideal women of ordinary men

Still There are many women in the world who continue to play at becoming the prototype of the “ideal woman”, from the clichés imposed by sexist cultures. A lie circulates that many believe: happiness lies in finding a partner. And you find a partner if you are the ideal girl.

Although apparently we are in a time where these types of myths would no longer have a place, the truth is that More forcefully than ever, demanding obligations have been imposed on what a woman should be.

“Whenever I watch TV and see those poor hungry children all over the world, I can’t help but cry. “I mean, I would love to be that skinny, but not with all those flies, and death, and stuff.”

-Mariah Carey-

These mandates come from the market and from men themselves, who no longer want to find the perfect housewife and mother, but who with equal severity are in charge of promoting, and imposing, desirable traits in a woman.

The ideal women

Unfortunately, there are still many men who value women based on how useful they can be to them. This has been true since the beginning of human history, but now it has become more subtle and imperceptible.

Until a little less than a century ago, women were the masters of the domestic world.. His role was to keep the house running well and to ensure healthy and strong offspring for the man.

Now the world of the market and the male world do not need the woman cloistered in a house. They need her producing, making money. They need her “cultured” and beautiful, because that “values” any man in the social world.

The prototype

A true stereotype of what the ideal woman is has been forged.. These are its main features:

Pretty. But no “strange beauties”. For ordinary men, beautiful is a woman with large breasts, a well-contoured butt and a wicked girl’s face. If not, forget it. That’s what operating rooms are for.Understanding It means that she doesn’t even say “mu” if the man prefers to watch a Real Madrid game, instead of listening to her when she is stressed. And she greets him with a broad smile when she arrives after a few drinks, after a day in which she never knew where she was, or what she was doing.Don’t be jealous. Especially if he is unfaithful.Intelligent and knowledgeable. He cannot make him “look bad” in a conversation in front of his friends. Of course, she shouldn’t be an expert either. Ordinary men shy away from brilliant women.Daring and very sexually active. Prudes went out of fashion several decades ago. Today’s men dream of a quasi-nymphomaniac who is obsessed with them.

real women

Surely ideal women exist, or seem to exist, in the world of entertainment and advertising. In real life it is not so easy to find them, although there are many who give the best of their lives trying to get closer to the stereotype.

Real women don’t want to be loved because they are “good merchandise.” They don’t want to force themselves to be what others want them to be. Real women complain about what seems unfair to them. They also want to be understood and that just as their virtues are praised, their defects are also tolerated. They want to be loved as they are capable of loving: with respect and tenderness.

Free women are capable of giving up a great love, if the price of it is their identity. They don’t care if their man is bald, paunchy or half-clueless. They know how to love, because to truly love is to be able to value what is unique about each human being.

A woman who is really convinced of being one, It does not validate what it is based on what ordinary men think of it, but what she herself thinks about herself, because above all she takes it into account.

Sometimes he wants to make love, but other times he doesn’t. You can understand and listen, but not admit behaviors that could harm the equality between the couple. Wants to feel valued, and not displayed or used.

Real women tend not to like ordinary men.. And these are not exactly what she is looking for to feel more and better loved. Real women need real men to be able to live that fascinating adventure of human love.

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Images courtesy of Chelin Sanjuan Piquero, Patt Brennan and Christian Schloe

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